What Does It Mean to See Repetitive Numbers on the Clock

Every time you look at your phone, you keep seeing the same time on the clock. 

More to the point, that self-same sequence of numbers has come up multiple times in the last few weeks.

You’ve seen it on car registration plates, you’ve heard it come up in conversations around you, you ever dreamed of it. 

You’re sure that the universe is trying to tell you something.

You just need to work it out.

What exactly do these numbers mean?

What is this message that keeps trying to be heard? 

Seeing Repeating Numbers on Clock Every Hour

The ancient art of numerology has been studied for thousands of years, and it’s only growing in popularity as more people become aware of the power contained in numbers. 

Most people already implicitly understand the importance of numbers.

As an example, think of the joy and recognition you feel when you meet someone with whom you share a special date.

The feeling of connectivity that you get comes from far more than knowing that you share that date.

There’s a deeper feeling there, that you’re somehow kindred spirits in a way because you share this thing that is deeply important and meaningful. 

As more people become aware of numerology and how numbers can be used in our daily lives, more people report seeing repeating numbers every year. 

So for example, if I keep looking at the clock on the hour, what does that mean? Read on to find out. 

How to receive the message

First things first, you have to trust your intuition.

That’s because you already know the answer, it’s just hidden from you by the thousand stresses of daily life.

If you could relax and be more in tune with who you truly are, who the universe wants you to be, you’d feel it all the time.

That’s why you keep getting these flashes of insight. It’s your deeper self, trying desperately to let you know 

So make time for yourself to relax and unwind.

If you’re not in the right state of mind, none of this is going to work.

And don’t try to notice anything out of the ordinary, either.

When it’s time, they’ll come. 

When you notice your numbers, pay very close attention to what you’re doing.

This will often tell you just as much as the numbers themselves. 

For example, if you keep seeing your numbers whilst you drive, that could be a huge sign that now is the time to indulge that deep-seated urge to travel, or that you need to get away from what’s currently in your life. 

As a personal story, a few years ago I worked a completely different job.

I noticed something weird.  

I thought to myself ‘I look at the clock at the same time every day, I wonder what that means?’

I noticed I kept looking up at 11.55.

You’ll find out in a second that these numbers contain real power, and had a strong message for me.

I just had to notice it.

As soon as I did, as it often happens I realized I’d known the truth all along and was just trying to deny reality. 

Now, as you’ve probably guessed I didn’t really like this job.

I’d taken it because it was okay at the time, and stayed more because it was convenient and I needed the money, but it was slowly draining my soul of out me. 

I needed to leave, and I was being shown that, again and again.

Eventually, I paid enough attention to what the universe was telling me and realized what I had to do.

I handed in my notice a few days later. 

Master Numbers, and Meanings

One thing that you should definitely pay attention to when you keep seeing your numbers is what, specifically those numbers mean. 

The study of numerology has found the defined meaning behind each of the standard numbers.

Each number has a specific role to play, so when you see a sequence of numbers over and over again, they could be trying to tell you something big!

Why do I look at the clock at 12:34 every day?

One is the first number, from which all other numbers come and which goes into every other number.

It’s appropriate then that the number one is the number that signifies new beginnings, new creation, and absolute truth. 

  1. Two is the feminine number, and the number of intuition, grace, and love. But don’t underestimate two or think she’s weak. Like all those who have true strength, two might bend, but it bends with force and uses it to redirect. Two is a great signifier that you’re stronger than you think, no matter what you’re currently facing. 

  2. Three is the number of creation. It’s energy, unbounded and unrestrained. Three is also the social number, signifying charm and positivity, as well as attraction. Threes mean pay close attention to the relationships in your life, both personal and professional, and don’t turn away potential new friends. 

  3. Four is a stereotypically masculine number, associated with old-time manly traits like stoicism, dependability, and obedience. Whilst that sounds boring, it’s also the number of strong foundations and knowing where you’ve come from. 

If you draw fours to you, it might mean that you should examine the stable parts of your life and reinvest in the things that you take for granted. 

  • Five is independence and change. A breaking of routines is coming, whether you cause it or something outside yourself brings big shake-ups. 

When change comes, don’t be resistant to it. Instead, open yourself up a little more than usual and be willing to go with the flow.

  • Six is the number of harmony, flowing and balanced. It’s also the number that denotes care, both of the self, but more properly of those around you. 

Six can be beautiful, but it can also be smothering. It means taking another look at the relationships closest to you, and seeing how you are with each other. 

  • Seven is intuition, ego, intellect. It’s a signifier of an awakening, new knowledge, but not brought on by outside forces. 

Seek answers to the problems that arise, and trust in your own knowledge first.

Perhaps pay more attention to yourself, and care for yourself more spiritually. Take more time to relax, and get to know yourself innately. 

  • Anyone who’s heard anything about numerology has probably heard eight referred to as the ‘money number.’ But it’s so much more than that. 

Seeing eight doesn’t automatically mean financial success.

It means that you’ll receive due compensation for what you put in, so now is the time to knuckle down and work hard, so good things come to you.

  • Nine is compassion and love, but not the singular, focused love that you have for friends and family. Nine is the number of sharing your light with the world, of breaking out and offering what you have. 

If you keep seeing nines, there’s a good chance you feel or need more self-love.

Don’t forget yourself when you’re making space in the day. 

Master numbers

More powerful than single numbers are the so-called ‘Master numbers,’ sometimes also called ‘Angel numbers.’

These are number pairs, and they’re generally a huge sign to pay attention to. 

  1. Intuition, power, and focus. Creation and new beginnings, wrapped around themselves. If you’ve been struggling to start something new, now is the time.

  2. The plans you have need to be made physical. The big idea you’ve been holding on to? Now might be the time to make it a reality.

  3. You have gifts that are being criminally underused. Don’t deny the world your talents, because you have a huge effect on people, and you might not even know it.

  4. The world is looking to test you, and you might be in for some tough times. But with hard times come huge rewards, so stay strong, stay the course and come out of the other side fighting. You’re stronger than you think.

  5. Now is the time for a change. You might feel stultified and constrained. If you’ve been feeling trapped, this is your opportunity to break out.

The best way to track your numbers: Keep a journal

When it comes to tracking these numbers, the single best thing to do is start a journal. 

Whether it’s a physical object or a series of notes on your phone doesn’t matter.

What matters is that you can look back over the last days and weeks and see how the signs have changed and stayed the same. 

This makes it so much simpler to interpret them and leaves no space for doubt in your mind.

Whatever you’re supposed to see, you’ll see it, right there in front of you, clear as day. 

Nothing is accidental.

The signs are there if you look for them. 

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