How to Calculate Psychic Number in Numerology

Your Psychic Number is computed by adding the digits of your date of birth.

Your Psychic Number might reveal a lot about your sensory personality.

There is no doubt that a special relationship exists between psychic abilities and numerology.

It is also true that numerology can contribute to psychic abilities and extrasensory perception and telepathy, commonly known as ESP.

However, to understand the connection between the three, and how numerology can help develop psychic abilities and ESP, it is important to understand what they are and how they work.

One may also need to know psychic number numerology in greater depth.   

Numerology is the study of numbers and their significance in your life.

As a universal language of numbers, numerology can help uncover information about the world as well as about each.

This branch of knowledge is based on the idea that the universe is a system that can be broken down into basic elements, which are numbers.

It is these numbers that can help us understand ourselves as individuals as well as the world we live in. 

Psychic abilities refer to how people with extrasensory perception can connect to the world beyond their senses.

Although there are many psychic abilities, some are more common than others.

Some psychics are naturally gifted with their abilities, and then there are those who practice gaining these abilities.

Some of the common psychic abilities include astral projection, channeling, psychic clairvoyant signssigns of clairsentient, clairaudience, telepathy, and divination. 

Generally, numerology calculations can be used to reveal likelihoods and tendencies.

While every individual has psychic abilities, your numerology numbers can help you to connect to your intuition and psychic abilities.  

9 Psychic Number Numerology

In numerology, a psychic number is a number that is derived from the date of birth of a person and defines their basic character.

The psychic number is obtained by adding up the numbers that make up the date of birth of a person to produce a simple whole number.

This means that for a person born on 15 October 1977, his psychic number is 6, which is a sum of 1 and 5. 

The planetary influence of numbers reflects an individual’s needs, behavior, ambition, and desires.

This means that the psychic number will play a critical role in one’s choice of food, friendship, sex, marriage, and ambitions.

The number remains active, important, and powerful until one reaches age 35 to 40. One of the ways of influencing the psychic number is by changing one’s name.

Here is what the psychic number indicates, from psychic number 1 up to psychic number 9.  

Psychic number 1

These are people born on 1, 10, 19, and 28 dates of any month.

Psychic number 1 people are ruled by the sun. In numerology, they are referred to as lucky people in all walks of life.
They are ambitious, creative, energetic, confident, and determined.

This gives them leadership qualities and helps them rise in their profession.

As much as they are impulsive and can come up with ideas quickly, they have fixed ideas and opinions.

These people are also cheerful, happy, and positive and like traveling and enjoying life.

They are helpful and friendly and value their public image greatly.

Due to their strong qualities, these individuals are famous in their society and are admired for their kindness, politeness, and hard work.

However, they never display their weakness. 

Psychic number 2

Psychic number 2 are people born on 2, 11, 20, and 29 dates of any month.

These people are ruled by the moon.

They are delicate, friendly, emotional, imaginative, helpful, and moody.

They are also generally peaceful and romantic.

These people rely on guides to assure them and execute their ideas and like working in partnerships.

Due to the nature of their emotions, they tend to endure mental pain and could be depressed sometimes.

They focus on family a lot, are faithful to their spouses, and believe in the philosophy of living and letting live.

They rule the world of love and beauty. While they have excellent intuition, they never say no.

They rarely do things in one attempt and will always strive to do them twice. 

Psychic number 3

Psychic number 3 people, those born on 3, 12, 21, and 30 dates of any month, are ruled by Jupiter.

Although they are ambitious, independent, hardworking, daring, and disciplined, they experience numerous struggles at the start of their lives.

However, they see these struggles as a way to achieve growth and development.

They are generally lucky in life and have an intellect of high quality.

They are good planners, confident in their decisions, and perform their work and duty with diligence and excellence.

They carry out the tasks that make them successful in life with dedication, have a good understanding of life, and keep a smile on their face.

The aptitude of their words makes them great communicators.

However, these people are bad executors, are impatient, and tend to have more than one relationship in their lives. 

Psychic number 4

Psychic number 4 people are born on 4, 13, 22, and 31 of any month.

These people are ruled by Rahu. Some of the qualities that define them are systematic, reliable, helpful, and practical.

While they go through struggles and challenges, they eventually become successful and achieve recognition later on in life.

They also benefit from the inheritance of property and help society in many ways. While they are rebellious and easily irritable, they are also commonly misunderstood.

They face opposition boldly and are leaders in their own right.

These people are spendthrift by nature, have a good taste for food, an excellent drive for sex, and have a strong attachment to their homes and family.

However, they tend to be unsuccessful in their love affairs.  

Psychic number 5

These are people born on 5, 14, 23 dates of any month and are ruled by Mercury.

Psychic number 5 people are delicate, kind, and eminent thinkers.

They have active brains that are constantly in thought but are spontaneous and love change throughout their lives.

Although they make friends easily, their friendships do not last long owing to the unstable nature of their friendship.

They easily understand the words and perspectives of others, making them easily adaptable and attached to the family.

They spend lavishly and love traveling, and are self-made, independent, and lucky in love.

They tend to have long lives because they are cautious about health, do not regret losses, and enjoy life.

They hold the belief that whatever happens in life happens for a good cause. 

Psychic number 6

Psychic number 6 people are born on 6, 15, and 24 dates of any month.

They are ruled by Venus and tend to be youthful.

They appreciate nature and beauty and are fond of glamour and luxury.

These people are easily attracted to the opposite sex, company that they often need and enjoy.

People in this group dislike negligence and untidiness and are overly conscious of their physical appearance.

They dress well, are tactful and clever in their dealings, and do not like interference from others.

While they believe that slow and steady wins the race, they get to spoil their work by their own mistakes.

Psychic number 5 people are secretive, overprotective of their families, and trust their family and friends.

Although they love peacefulness and freedom, they cannot live alone for long.

Psychic number 7

Psychic number 7 people are ruled by Ketu. Born on 7, 16, and 25 dates of any month, these people are intelligent, restless, intuitive, individualistic, versatile, analytical, and creative.

While they are spiritual and religious, they also have an interest in mystical science.

Many people consider themselves failures because they have faced many failures, but they believe that failure is the key to success.

They learn from failure to create success, are friendly, good speakers, and gain popularity fast.

Their personalities have different faces, and they love mystery and mysterious environments.

Although they have brilliant ideas, they tend to underestimate their talents, only becoming successful and rich later in their lives.

This is why they need encouragement. 

Psychic number 8

These people are born on 8, 17, and 26 of any month.

Ruled by Saturn, psychic number 8 people are ambitious, efficient, organized, trustworthy, compassionate, and sacrificing by nature.

Their psychic number represents determination, confidence, and mystery all at once.

Although they are full of struggle, they have strong willpower, a factor that keeps them fighting.

These people are not satisfied easily and are unlucky in love and marriage.

As much as they lack humor, have a solitary nature, and feel lonely at heart, they go to extremes both in friendship and enmity. 

Psychic number 9

Psychic number 9 people are ruled by Mars.

They are born on 9, 18, and 27 dates of any month.

These people have great energy and are constantly in several activities in their quest to achieve their goals.

They are determined, enthusiastic, broad-minded, and have strong willpower.

They are honest and straightforward but also impatient and ill-tempered.

They have an admirable sense of responsibility, are good organizers but hate criticism.

From the outside, they appear hard and immovable but are soft and kind-hearted from the inside.

While people other than their life partners and close friends see them as fortunate, they are prone to accidents and are unlucky with life partners.

Once they are emotionally hurt, they tend to be vengeful and cruel and can become violent. 

The next time something paranormal happens and you think you have lost your proverbial mind; you should remember that such events are perfectly normal.

Your numerology chart will not only help you understand why but also make it possible for you to discover your psychic gifts. 

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