Spiritual Meaning of Six Fingers on Both Hands

Have you ever wondered what it means to have six fingers on one hand?

(Hint: there’s more to it than you might think).

From palmistry to acupuncture to other forms of alternative healing, energy work, and divination, religions, and cultures around the world have been connecting the body and all its mysteries to hidden spiritual wisdom for centuries.

It all may sound too complicated to bear, but understanding the secretsbehind having 6 fingers on one hand (or if you’re lucky, both!) is actually quite simple.

What Does Science Say?

At a simple, scientific, and core explanation, having more than five fingers on one hand or foot is called polydactyly.

In most cases, having polydactyly does not hinder you in your day-to-day life, and isn’t inherently associated with health risks or diseases.

However, some may choose to have the extra digit removed for cosmetic or practical purposes.

Although this phenomenon is fairly uncommon, it can be inherited through familial genes and is more common in some ethnic groups than others because of this.

So, does science say anything about inherent benefits or superpowers to having six fingers or toes?

The answer is no, not quite.

If you want to discover the legends, hidden fortunes, and spiritual implications surrounding polydactyly, you’ll have to look a little bit deeper.

What Does a Hand With 6 Fingers Mean: Blessing or Curse?

Let’s rip off the metaphorical Band-Aid: is being born with six fingers a lucky sight or a curse to run from?

In ancient times, some believed that those born with 6 fingers were royalty or destined to be king, thanks to some depictions of old gods (like in the Ugha Mongulala tribe) having more than one finger on their hands.

In other words: it’s not bad to have 6 fingers.

In fact, it’s often considered quite a monumental blessing!

And it’s not just depictions of the old gods that say so, either.

Across varying cultures, spiritual practices, and religions, you’ll find nuggets of insight suggesting the same — albeit with slightly varying superpowers.

Written in the Stars: Lucky Number Six

Unsurprisingly, there’s more than meets the eye to this unique legend, starting with the mystery of the cosmos.

After all, the spiritual meaning surrounding the number 6 on its own has been around since ancient times.

For instance, the “6th house” in Western astrology is known to be the house of health and wellness itself.

With prominent planets and astrological placements in this area, one would be prone to devote their lives to service and stability.

And in numerology, those with “Life path number 6” are deemed nurturers and healers, gifted with the art of compassion and caring for others.

So it’s no wonder why the number 6 is universally considered to be a fit for royalty with its reliable reputation.

In other words: yes, to be born with 6 fingers is perhaps also to be born aligned with some of the luckiest stars and planets.

But what about beyond the stars?

It’s All in the Palm

We know palmistry to be an ancient art of forecasting our futures and fortunes based on the nature of our palms.

But what changes with 6 fingers instead of 5 (or perhaps even more)?

Vedic astrologers who use the art of palmistry within their decoding of the stars have the answer: to be born with more than five fingers is to be especially gifted.

Why? It’s generally considered to be good luck, especially in the realm of work and money, contributing to a quick and reliable work ethic and strong mind.

(And go figure: having more fingers gives you more to work with, after all).

In other words, while Western astrology foretells lucky number 6 as a number of nurture and care, palmistry additionally specifies that money and financial abundance may be on your way as well.

But you don’t have to take the word just from the East or Western astrologers — the same fate is forecasted in some of the oldest texts.

What Does the Bible Say?

You so far can thank the stars and the art of palm reading for some particularly blessed fates, but may wonder if the same is said within the holy books.

The verdict on the biblical implications of having 6 fingers on one hand usually resonates with the universal understanding of good luck as well, unsurprisingly enough!

Rumors surrounding Adam having 6 fingers circulate from time to time, often thanks to artistic depictions of Adam with the extra digit on his left hand.

(We can thank Dutch artist, Jan van Scorel, for one of the more popular portrayals of this).

Under this belief, those with 6 fingers are more directly descended from one of God’s first and prized humans.

However, the most prominent mention of a spiritual meaning behind this special phenomenon within the Bible is in the Book of Samuel, when Goliath the giant is mentioned to have 6 fingers on both hands and toes.

Like other giants mentioned in the Bible, those with unique physical characteristics were sometimes deemed to be fallen angels from Heaven.

And this kind of divine connection seems to be a fortunate fate indeed!

Whether you resonate with being an angel on Earth now or not, however, it’s undeniable that sporting 6 fingers seems to be a sweet deal… pending some details.

Spiritual Meaning of Six Fingers on Both Hands

Left or Right?

If you’ve been paying attention, you’re already keen on the fact that there is a spiritual explanation behind most bodily appearances and functions.

As a result, with the general consensus on being blessed at birth with 6 fingers standing at a resounding positive, things do get slightly more complicated when considering which hand the extra finger lands on.

In most spiritual practices in Asia, for instance, the left hand is associated with yin energy (feminine and receptive force) whereas the right hand is associated with yang energy (masculine and dominant).

This idea is echoed in the Bible, where sitting at the “right hand” of God, for example, is considered the most honored position.

All in all, because the dominant hand is typically the right hand, many cultures tend to place emphasis on “right” as the assertive, dominant, and active force.

As a result, having 6 fingers on the right hand is typically considered luckier than having 6 fingers on the left hand.

If you happen to have your extra digit on your left hand, the good news is that your blessings aren’t revoked in the slightest.

Consider yourself blessed to be in the polydactyly club either way!

Blessed at Birth: Icons With 6 Fingers

You’re in good company when born with 6 fingers, among some of the greatest and most famous legends in history or modern icons.

The following celebrities have 11 toes or 6 fingers (whether they are sporting an extra body digit proudly in the public eye or had surgery to conceal it):

  • Henry II the Pious, Duke of Silesia
  • Liam Gallagher, musician
  • Jimmy Cliff, musician
  • “Hound Dog” Taylor, musician
  • Halle Berry, actress
  • Kate Hudson, actress
  • Oprah Winfrey, actress
  • Taye Diggs, actor
  • Hrithik Roshan, actor
  • Maria Sharapova, tennis player
  • Danny Garcia, boxer
  • Antonio Alfonseca, Major League pitcher
There is one particular caveat, however — polydactyly can be concealed or removed, which means that this list of famous heroes and celebs may actually be longer than we think.

To “Cure” or Conceal?

If you’re finding the fate of being born with 6 fingers to be a heavy burden, or you’re wondering how your fate changes depending on whether or not the extra digit gets removed — don’t fret.

While there is no “cure” for polydactyly as it is passed genetically, most people have it treated in early childhood with the extra digit being removed as a practical caution or cosmetic concealing.

You may wonder, however, if doing so is like kryptonite to your newfound spiritual powers.

Fortunately, the answer is no!

Many icons throughout history and in modern times have polydactyly but have carefully concealed their at-birth condition.

In other words, if there is one thing the growing list of icons and celebrities with 6 fingers has also shed light on, it’s the fact that greatness can’t exactly be removed from your fate.

If You’re Born With 6 Fingers…

Life may suddenly seem a lot luckier if you’ve realized a unique bodily phenomenon has been granting you good fortune.

And while it may seem overwhelming or confusing to consider the varying insights and spiritual explanations surrounding having 6 fingers, it’s clear that the body has quite a large impact on what your potential fate in this lifetime may be (after all, it is said to house the soul).

But whether you wish to call it polydactyly or being a fallen angel, the mythos surrounding having 6 fingers has been developing since ancient times and is unlikely to go away anytime soon.

So if you’re just looking into what it may mean for you now, it may be time to realize the true potentialof your secret extra digit, and believe it’s your time to join the list of legends and icons already creating its lucky reputation!

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