9 Signs of Clairsentient

Books and movies abound with examples of clairvoyants, people who can see things beyond our comprehension.

The Greek prophetess Cassandra, Harry Potter’s Prof. Trelawney, and almost every psychic reading a crystal orb falls under this category.

But what if we told you there’s actually another ability called clairsentience that is much more common, yet remains shrouded in mystery?

Originating from the Latin clarus (“clear”) and sentio (“to sense”), the definition of a clairsentient person is someone with the ability to feel things beyond the reach of our physical senses.

Simply put, clairsentience is a way of intuitively absorbing information from our surroundings.

Most importantly, people with clairsentient abilities are all around us — you might be one of them and not even know it!

Here are a few reliable signs we can use to recognize clairsentience and identify people who possess this special skill.

You might have this gift if these nine traits apply to you.

1. People Are an Open Book for You

We usually make sense of other people by attending to what they communicate, both verbally or physically.

However, clairsentients are one step ahead of everyone else in that respect.

They are an excellent judge of character right off the bat when they meet someone.

This means clairsentients can quickly tell if we’re dishonest or genuine, and weed out dangerous people — even if they have never met them before.

2. Your Intuition Guides You

Clairsentient people are gifted with an intuition that is out of this world.

They get a lot of hunches, and they are always spot-on.

They make decisions like which road to take or what to eat based on their gut feeling, which might seem odd to the rest of us.

As a result, we sometimes may perceive them as whimsical or spontaneous.

If this sounds familiar, you might very well have clairsentient abilities.

3. You Crave Alone Time

We can think of clairsentients as individuals with very powerful radars for other people’s emotions.

Being in huge crowds at concerts and other popular events means the clairsentient is receiving an overwhelming amount of signals.

Feeling so many separate emotions wash over them at the same time is draining, to say the least.

So, it’s really not surprising that clairsentients often need to recharge home alone, even after experiences that might not seem stressful to us.

4. Places, Situations, and Objects Speak to You

No one reads a room better than a clairsentient.

Everything around us carries certain energy that we are often oblivious to.

However, these people can feel past conflicts or happy moments lingering in the air.

As a result, they might also have trouble with used items (furniture, clothing, and even books) because of the energy they carry.

Over time, our things absorb the emotions tied to our experiences.

Passing down an item to a clairsentient would also mean they’d get our feelings along with the object, which can be very distressing.

5. You’re Always Walking in Other People’s Shoes

To say that clairsentients always know how we feel would be a major understatement.

Rather, we can more accurately claim that they feel our emotions as if they belong to them.

This includes our tiredness, hunger, worry, or positive feelings like joy.

Moreover, as a clairsentient change their surroundings and is exposed to new energy, they might experience strong mood swings that we cannot explain otherwise.

6. You Are Easily Moved

We all get a little teary-eyed at poignant moments in our favorite books and movies.

However, the life of a clairsentient is even more emotionally charged than that.

Similar to how they respond to the feelings of people around them, clairsentients can empathize with fictional characters.

Movies and TV shows are often quite the emotional rollercoaster for them. In fact, they might even find everyday content such as the news difficult to watch, as the pain of others can overwhelm them.

7. You Feel Strange Emotions

To be fair, we don’t always know why we feel the way we do.

Still, we can usually at least guess what is causing us to feel a certain way.

Nevertheless, if you find yourself feeling something extremely unexpected (such as sadness and anxiety in an otherwise perfectly relaxed situation), it is very likely that you are clairsentient.

The reason you can’t explain why you feel that way is simple — you’re actually channeling someone else’s feelings.

8. You’re the Sensitive Type

We often label people who seem overwhelmed by their emotions as “sensitive.”

A clairsentient’s friends and family would often define them that way.

These people feel lots of strong emotions, which are nearly impossible to hide.

But that’s not necessarily a bad thing — we actually gravitate towards such people in our times of need.

Because they know exactly how we feel, clairsentients can understand us like no one else.

So, if your friends see you that way, congratulations — you are probably a clairsentient!

9. You Feel Things that Aren’t There

If you often feel the effects of things that seemingly aren’t there, this is a clear sign that you have clairsentience.

That can include physical sensations such as tickles, a light touch, being watched, and even inexplicable shifts in the room’s temperature.

If you can’t see anyone else with you in the room, yet you feel these things, don’t worry.

You’re not imagining it — it simply means you have a gift!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it; these were the nine easiest-to-grasp signs that someone fits the definition of a clairsentient.

We should now be able to confidently apply them to determine whether someone we know has this psychic ability.

Do you think these signs of having clairsentience apply to you?

If they do, you should embrace your gift! It may seem like a burden — getting bombarded with emotions is certainly stressful, but you can learn to manage it.

Try surrounding yourself with positive people and remember to take a break when things get intense.

We all deserve a little breathing room, after all.

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