How Do You Name a Company in Numerology

While there is no perfect formula for choosing a business name, numerology can help find something that best suits our profession.

I’m going to show you how to calculate the value of your business name.

Also, I’m going to explain what a Destiny number is and how you can make sure that your business becomes successful.

Numerology for Business Success Calculator

Before you can start calculating your business name, you must first set goals for your company.

Furthermore, you have to be creative with your marketing strategies and work hard.

However, it is also important to have a name that fits your business and your personality.

For this reason, before deciding on a name, you should check its meaning in numerology.

Each letter in the alphabet has its own value:

  • 1 – A, J, S
  • 2 – B, K, T
  • 3 – C, L, U
  • 4 – D, M, V
  • 5 – E, N, W
  • 6 – F, O, X
  • 7 – G, P, X
  • 8 – H, Q, Z
  • 9 – I, R

Here is an example based on the company Apple:

1 + 7 + 7 + 3 + 5 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5

From this formula, you can see Apple’s Desire number is 5. Number 5 means profit and great success.

Next, let’s see what each number means and how you can use them to grow your business.

Business Name Numerology 1

Number 1 represents leadership and good organizational skills.

It is an excellent value for anyone who wants to start their own business or who works freelance.

Moreover, it suits anyone who has a government job or a job that is related to religion.

An example of a successful company that has this value is Microsoft.

Business Name Numerology 2

In business, number 2 represents balance and fairness.

Even though it has a quiet business energy, this number value is a great choice for anyone who works as a therapist or a coach.

Also, it is a great value for journalists, writers, and anyone who works in sales.

It is important to remember that the number 2 value comes from the most powerful number, which is 11.

Business Name Numerology 3

Number 3 represents expression and creativity.

Anyone who is a professional musician, visual artist, or writer and has this value will be successful.

Also, it is an excellent value for anyone who wants to pursue a career in public speaking.

Finally, it can bring fortune to anyone who wants to start a photography business or a record label.

Business Name Numerology 4

Number 4 has the biggest spiritual reach compared to any other number.

Four represents organized energy that suits business owners and home builders.

Also, many philosophers and astrologists have this value.

Moreover, it draws in great energy for anyone who is working as a manufacturer, cattle rancher, or a publisher.

A famous example of the power of number 4 is the company Facebook.

Business Name Numerology 5

Next, we have number 5, which represents charisma, entertainment, and travel.

Anyone in the entertainment or travel business will benefit from having a business name that connects with number 5.

Also, it’s a great value for anyone who works in a brokerage firm. The most successful example of the number 5 value is Apple.

Business Name Numerology 6

Number 6 best represents teachers and healers.

Anyone who enjoys doing charity work will benefit from being connected to number 6.

It is a great value for politicians and insurance brokers.

In fact, businesses that connect with number 6 are usually industry leaders.

However, number 6 is a bad value if we’re in the freelance business.

Freelancers won’t benefit from it because number 6 requires a family and community around it.

Business Name Numerology 7

Seven is the most spiritual number of all.

It represents finding inner peace and leading a well-balanced life.

Also, it’s about exploring the unknown and the unique.

The two most successful businesses in the world have the number 7 value —  Google and Amazon.

Both of these companies are innovators and industry leaders.

If you tailor your business name to number 7, you can expect great things in the future.

Business Name Numerology 8

Number 8 has an energy of wealth, success, and power.

It is an excellent value for bankers, real estate agents, lawyers, and insurance agents.

Also, it can bring great fortune to doctors, vets, and funeral parlors.

Finally, I believe it is a lucky number for landscapers and rescue workers.

Business Name Numerology 9

Number 9 has a quiet energy about it, similar to number 7.

Number 9 represents transformation and completion.

Also, it gives you the ability to always see the bigger picture.

Business owners represented by number 9 are charismatic and have excellent leadership skills.

Moreover, number 9 is suited to motivational speakers, teachers, and counselors.

A number of famous philosophers and writers are represented by this number value.

Other Successful Numbers

While all of these numbers connect with a certain profession, it doesn’t mean all of them will bring you success.

Let’s take a look at which numbers have the most power and which numbers you should stay away from.

Numbers That Draw in Success

The first on my list is number 33.

As I’ve mentioned, number 6 is connected to family and community.

It is no surprise that, if your business name equals 33, it means your family business will achieve great success.

Also, number 33 is connected with an Indian God called Kubera. Kubera is actually the God of wealth.

Next, we have the number 51. Again, it adds to up 6 which means prosperity and fortune.

Also, it is known as “The Royal Star of the Man” in Indian culture.

There are many Fortune 500 companies whose business names add up to 6. My top three examples are Walt Disney, Dell, and General Motors

Finally, we have number 5 which is considered to be a good omen in Eastern countries.

The most famous companies which have this number value are Boeing, General Electric, and CVS Caremark.

Things to Consider

A number you should try to avoid is 8. While it stands for creation, it also stands for destruction.

Depending on Saturn’s position, number 8 can weaken your business.

Moreover, Indian astrologists say that number 8 can cause defeat and failure in business.

Your business name will only be successful if the values equal 35, 44, or 53.

Finally, two companies whose names add up to 44 are Morgan Stanley and ExxonMobil.

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