Money Meditation Script

You are what you attract, but before you draw anything, you need to program your mind to think and grow in that direction.

It is not until recently-perhaps just two years ago- that I was able to acknowledge that I have the power to be my biggest fan or my worst hater.

You have probably heard something along these lines before, but trust me, it is true.

It is also very possible to set yourself up for success by simply destroying the mental barriers you’ve set all on your own.

Money meditation is the answer.

What Is Money Meditation?

Essentially money meditation is a form of guided meditation that helps your release any resistance to wealth and open doors for abundance in your life.

Wondering how a bunch of words and posture will help you achieve this?

Well, I’d say never underestimate the power of words.

Our minds are the most potent defense mechanism gifted to us by God.

By simply manifesting and setting your mind to believe in you and in it, you stand to discover more about yourself in the process.

As the law of attraction states, whatever you think about, focus on, read about, or even talk about with that burning passion will attract more of it into your life.

I wonder what goes on in a millionaire’s mind.

Do you? I do all the time.

But is there a Millionaire’s mindset?

I think there is.

The constant thought of wealth and how to acquire it.

The millionaire’s mindset refers to the thoughts that go through those who are financially independent- a very desirable mindset, I would say.

I continue to emphasize it is all in your mind.

 The difference between poverty and wealth is not the amount of money either possesses, but the ability to think. 

Give poor man money today, and you will be shocked to find him begging the next day.

Another cliché story, but it will help you understand the mind of a wealthy mind.

Give a rich man the same amount of money, but guess what, you will not be surprised that they can multiply it.

I say that you won’t be surprised as to you.

It will seem natural.

After all, the rich get richer as the poor become poorer.

Relax, of course, some people have the longer side of the rope, but does it mean it is the end.

However, It is a different thing to accept that you are not wealthy and acknowledge It.

I am a money magnet.

I can afford it.

Money can easily find me.

This is acknowledging that you are in this place and you are not ashamed of it.

Accepting is resigning to the wrong fact that you cannot or is difficult to get out of the situation.

How about acknowledging and embracing the opportunity for change. You cannot change it, after all, but you can block those thoughts.

The money magnet formula

The secret money magnet formula focuses on the mind, body, and soul.

It is comprised of a series of habits you need to take to heart.

The top secrets to beginning the journey are in these following steps.

6 Signs of Abundance Mindset

1. Let go of the stereotypes, and have an abundance mindset.

Stereotypes only condition your mind to think in a particular way, and mostly, we take them as the Bible truth and simply refuse to accept the possibility of other schools of thought.

If you think that your wishes for the best things in life are just a dream that can only occur magically, then it shall be so.

Open your mind to the idea of your heart desires not just being fairytales, the idea that they are more than a possibility, and prepare yourself to usher in the opportunities that will lead you there.

Another stereotype that we need to shun is the idea that money is the root of all evil.

This is absolutely not true.

Will you become evil when you become rich?

I aspire to be wealthy so that I can be better placed to deal with evil.

I can have money, power, and all the good things in life but remain humble and generous.

Always remember that the valuable thing here is not the money but your thoughts.

The thoughts that direct how you use the money and how you treat your wealth.

Evil is the abuse of wealth.

Money only does what you want it to do.

2. Money Affirmations

I have a friend; I constantly speak negatively about the friend.

The friend eventually disappears because my energy does not promote a suitable environment for our friendship.

With money, it is absolutely the same case.

Perhaps money is trying to be your friend, but you are constantly speaking negatively about it.

Your thoughts can easily be reflected in the energy you pass off, and just as the friend disappeared, money will not want to be around you either.

Make a habit of affirming positivity around money and making it a natural thing. Money will indeed find itself to you.

3. Enjoy spending

 The constant fear of spending money embraces the scarcity mindset.  

You will feel the pinch and become mean to yourself, although you have worked to earn money.

I am not saying shop till you drop; instead, let your mind know that you deserve what you bought, even the basic ones.

Appreciate that you were able to pay your bills, buy food and afford the pair of shoe you really wanted from your pocket.

Along with this, create room to receive and give freely.

By constantly worrying or feeling the pinch while spending on the things you deserve, you set yourself up for a mental space of scarcity.

Welcome the abundance around you, and look at spending in a whole new light. You deserve it!

4. Visualize your money with money

 The secret of manifestation is imagining yourself with what you want.  

Thoughts become things, and the brain may be smart, but it certainly does not know the difference between reality and imagination.

Have a money visualization script that you can frequently return to ensure that you remain within the right energetic frequency.

Money visualization aligns with your thoughts with your desires.

5. Learn how money works

One imperative topic that you will probably have to learn on your own is financial literacy.

Invest in valuable skills that will help you on your journey of attracting abundance and equip you with the much-needed skill on how to allocate and grow it correctly.

Thinking about money is not enough to make you rich.

You have to work for It.

Financial literacy coaches your mind to see spending, saving, and investments differently, thus giving you the head start to think outside the box for ways to grow your wealth.

6. Be around money magnets.

Money magnets are people who attract wealth- through their mentality and hard work.

The phrase your network is your net worth implies that those you surround yourself with could make or break your alignment to abundance.

Everyone sorts inspiration from people that have reached where they want to be.

Their personality and behavior will start reflecting on you somehow as you will want to be like them.

Surround yourself with people who motivate and encourage you to go for what you want.

Allow you to be infected with their energy and accept the challenge to reach there.

What’s Next

At times you may find yourself working so hard, but things simply do not fall into place.

Perhaps you need to take a step back and direct your energy in the correct place – the mind.

Once you are satisfied that your brain understands that you were made for abundance, it will lead you there effortlessly.

With this power, you can discover how to use your subconscious mind to win the lottery.

Create the uniformity between your dreams and your thoughts, and then go for it.

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