When I Will Get Married According to My Birth Date

A lot of people turn to numerology for guidance when making the most important decisions, and finding a soulmate is one of them.

With the help of our life path numbers, we can find out if our partner is our perfect match. 

Furthermore, those who have already found their soulmate and are planning to tie the knot will certainly appreciate positive vibrations from the right numbers. 

So, if you want to check how compatible you and your partner are, as well as find your lucky number for a wedding date, you should definitely keep reading our article!

Marriage Numerology by Date of Birth

With the help of our life path numbers, we can figure out if our partner is marriage material.

But, how do we do that? 

Well, to see if we’re a compatible couple according to numerology, we should calculate our and our partner’s life path numbers.

This number is the sum of the digits that our birth date consists of.  

For example, let’s say that someone was born on the 5th of May, 1992.

In this case, they’ll find out what their life path number is by combining single digits in the date.

When they get a two-digit number, which is 31 in this case, they should calculate the sum of two single digits, 3 and 1, which equals 4 — their life path number. 

Can You Calculate Your Life Path?

Yes, you can.

Learn to obtain your life path number and your partner’s. 

Then come back to this page to verify the life path number compatibility.

Life path numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4

Those with number 1 as a life path number are authentic, strong, and powerful people.

They will have the most successful relationship with someone connected to numbers 2, 3, and 9.

In addition, they should avoid those with life path numbers 4, 6, and 8. A life path number 2 is following someone who is romantic and artsy.

They would get along well with those with life path numbers 1, 6, or 3.

On the other hand, they should stay away from those with numbers 5 and 7. 

Number 3 connects to friendly, hard-working people that value discipline.

Their compatible numbers are 1, 2, and 5, whereas their toxic matches are 4, 7, and 8. 

Number 4 follows faithful individuals who long for a deep connection.

What’s more, they want to be able to lean on the person they love.

That is why their perfect matches are those with numbers 5, 6, and 7.

Life path numbers to keep away from are 1, 3, and 9.

Life path numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8

Number 5 is usually attached to intellectuals.

They will be compatible with those with numbers 1, 3, and 9, and will most likely have a toxic relationship with 2, 4, and 6. 

Romantic and nurturing people usually have 6 as their life path number.

Thus, their compatible numbers are 2, 4, and 8.

On the other hand, they should stay away from those with life path numbers 1, 5, and 7. 

A life path number 7 follows those who are mysterious and private.

They should find someone with life numbers 1, 4, or 9, and avoid those with 2, 3, and 6 as life path numbers. 

A life path number 8 is attached to ambitions and motivated people that are compatible with those with numbers 1, 5, and 6.

On the other hand, their toxic matches are 3, 7, and 9. 

Compassionate individuals that sympathize with others are usually followed by number 9.

They’ll find happiness with numbers 1, 2, and 5, and should avoid those with life numbers 4, 7, and 8.

Numerology for marriage date

A lot of people choose a date that sounds special and unique, such as 07/07/2007.

But, just because a date sounds interesting doesn’t mean it will have a special meaning to a couple.

Thus, those who want to find their lucky number for a wedding date should ask themselves — when will my marriage according to numerology be? 

So, we made a list that will help everyone find their lucky number for a wedding date according to their life path number.

What’s more, we’ll also write about dates to avoid for marriage numerology, so that couples can make sure that everything goes smoothly on their special day. 

Before we get to the list, we have to explain a few things.

When it comes to your lucky number for a wedding date, you should check which numbers are compatible with your and your partner’s life path numbers.

Then, you can find the sum of the date in the form of a single-digit number, just like with your life path.  

Another way to find a perfect date is to incorporate both of your life numbers into the date.

That way, you’ll make sure that your luckiest numbers send positive vibrations during the big day.

Marriage numerology number 1

This number is considered to be everybody’s lucky number for a wedding date.

So, those who can’t find common ground with their partner’s life path number can always choose a date with number 1.

What’s more, this number will be especially lucky to those that have 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 as their life path numbers.

Marriage numerology number 2

A date with the number 2 in numerology will be perfect for those with life path number 7.

Marriage numerology number 3

Number 3 is a lucky number for wedding dates to everyone who feels a deep connection with numbers  3 and 9.

Marriage numerology number 4

According to many numerology experts, one of the numbers to avoid on your big day is number 4.

It can bring bad vibrations, fights, and negative feelings between couples.

Marriage numerology number 5

The worst number for marriage date has to be number 5. It can cause a rift between couples, and even divorce.

Thus, those who want everything to go the way they planned should avoid dates that add up to number 5.

Marriage numerology number 6

Dates attached to number 6 will be perfect for those that have a special connection with numbers 6 and 9.

Marriage numerology number 7

Everyone with life path numbers 2 and 4 should choose dates with destiny number 7.

Marriage numerology number 8

Number 8 is another one to avoid. It isn’t as bad as number 5, but it still won’t bring good vibrations on the big day.

Marriage numerology number 9

Number 9 is another lucky number for a wedding date that will be perfect for everybody, no matter what their life path number is.

However, the best vibrations will go to those with numbers 3, 5, 6, and 9.

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