Manifest Casino Wins

Would it not be great if you placed a casino bet and won?

How would that make you feel?

After winning, you would use the money to pay your bills, mortgage, loans, or even get the vacation you always wanted.

But that seems like a fairytale where Cinderella gets to meet her prince.

You might also be feeling that it would be easier to find a needle in a haystack.

Now you might be feeling like:

  • You have squandered your income and savings.
  • You have lost the family that you were gambling so hard to impress.
  • Your life situation is deteriorating.
  • You are dealing with your frustrations by drinking and smoking heavily.

These can be the effects of gambling if you keep on doing it but lose each time.

That was me a few months ago, but things have taken a turn for the better, and I have placed bets and won at casino games.

In addition, It took my family on an oversee vacation.

Read on to learn about what changed my situation, as you can use it also to ensure that you win.

My Journey

I am an occasion gambler, and I would not advise anyone to gamble unless they can handle losing without throwing a fit.

The safe way to gamble is to make sure that you only gamble what you can afford to lose.

Gambling should not be the reason you lose your work, family, and friends or dig yourself deeper into debt.

Is it a sin to gamble for fun?

I have been doing on-and-off gambling for many years to hope that I would get to win the Jackpot one day.

But each time, I tried.

I lost.

When I was sitting at a casino losing as always, someone next to me won the jackpot.

So there he was celebrating his wins as I sat down and looked at him miserably.

He then approached me and whispered that my attitude would not take me anywhere.

That is when I go intrigued and interested in learning more. I then did some research and came across an article on Manifesting Casino Wins.

This article changed both my attitude about life and also the attitude I had when I gambled.

What I learned helped me significantly, and it can help you too.

According to the article piece, it is possible to win an online casino using the law of attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction foundation is based on the foundation that you control what can happen in your life.

You need to achieve this is by using these three steps:

  • Believe
  • Conceive
  • Visualize
When you do this, you need to believe that the universe will work by putting each piece in place to ensure that you get your desired results.

Learn How You Can Use the Law of Attraction to Win More in Casinos

Step One: Start By Visualizing Your Winnings.

One step to manifest winning at the casino is by visualizing your winnings before you start gaming.

Envision is all about planning your game and what you expect to win.

For instance, you can envision what your first winning will be and how you will make it win the jackpot.

When you envision, you are already in a good and vibration mood before you start gambling.

It is all about making plans, having fun, and vibrating the positive energy when you play.

 The universe will get your positive energy and give it back to you by making sure you win. 

Most people do not know that the energy you give to the world is the same energy that you receive.

Step Two: Practice At Home

Another way that you can manifest casino wins is by practicing at home.

You can try it out by going online and using the various sites to practice and increase your chances of winning.

 Use a positive attitude when you are playing online games and envision your winnings. 

When playing at home, you should not pay any attention to the losing hand. Instead, pay attention to your winnings and see how easy it will be.

It is important to use the same energy you will be using when you play the real game.

You will practice using positive energy, and your winnings will grow from one game to another.

Step Three: Get into a real Casino.

Once you feel confident in using the law of attraction gambling, you can get into a real casino.

You have to understand that the universe will be using your energy and what you manifest.

So you need to suppress the wicked thoughts down and replace them with positive and new thoughts.

You need to be careful about what you manifest since the universe will be following your lead.

Some of the thoughts you can have are:

  • I am now going to my winning machine
  • The next game is going to be my jackpot
  • The right machine to use will call me out
  • I love gambling since I always win and have a good time
  • Put your focus on the game that you are playing

What If You Lose?

You should not put your focus on your losses or the amount that you have left.

The moment you start having a negative thought, then things will start turning for the worst.

Keep focused on the game and enjoy the game itself.

If you feel that you cannot change the negative feelings, walk away for a while.

At times, you might not contain the losing feeling. In such cases, it is best to walk off and do other activities.

Eat great meals, find quality drinks, or do anything that will help to elevate your spirit.

Once you feel great again, you can go back and start playing.

These are the few steps that changed my life. So you should go ahead and try them out.

Who knows, you might be winning your jackpot.

When this happens, be grateful always as that helps to create positive energy.

That means that you will always be vibrating positive energy, such as the dimensional jumping two cup method, which will help in casino winning as well as other areas in life.

If so, you will always have a winning streak.

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