I Am the National Lottery Winner Affirmations

Have you ever wondered just how much you can achieve with just a simple affirmation?

Do you believe in the power of attraction?

You are probably thinking, are affirmations even real?

The simple answer to that is, yes, they are, and how much can we achieve from just affirming? A LOT!

You can do amazing, life-changing things with just a daily affirmation, and I am here to get you started on a path to reaching most, if not all, your dreams.

How great is that?

Imagine waking up in the morning and just saying, “I don’t chase I attract” and the next day, boom! You win the lottery.

Fantastic, right?

You are probably still wondering, how is that even possible?

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Now, what is an affirmation?

 An affirmation is a positive statement that can help us to overcome negative thoughts, and when we repeat them often and believe in them, our lives transform in magnificent ways. 

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

We have all at some point imagined winning a huge sum of money by just playing the national lottery.

How did that feel? The mere imagination is breathtaking, right.

What if that thought became a reality with just some routine affirmations like I don’t chase I attract

Belief is a powerful tool in life that can lead us to do life-changing things.

I’ve come up with a few laws of attraction I’d like to share:

Alike attracts alike.

There is a belief that similar things will most likely grab each other’s attention.

When a person tends to often think about or surround themselves with good vibes, the universe rewards them positively, and if they lean on negative thoughts, they are more likely to face misfortune.

Nature despises avoid.

This law implies that having negative thoughts in your life slowly diminishes space for positivity.

It is impossible for the human mind to be a vacuum.

There must always be something to fill it up, and I suggest letting it be positive, whatever it is.

What we have right now is just perfect.

As human beings, we’ll never have our present-day and realities happen again in our lives.

Sometimes we tend to feel as though our present reality is not good enough.

The truth is, it is enough, and we are enough, and the only thing we can do is make it better instead of self-sabotaging.

Now that we have the laws of attraction let’s look at how we can put them into practice and create affirmations that are the ultimate game-changer.

Here are few things we can practice to achieve that;

Wake up with gratitude

No matter what curve balls life throws at you, there’s always a reason to be grateful; seek it!

Set goals and visualize them

 “I am the national lottery winner.” 

See, you didn’t just set the goal to win the national lottery; you actually visualize yourself winning.

Tell me that doesn’t feel amazing, saying it loud.

Is it right?

Look for the good in every situation.

No matter how bad a situation is, there’s always some good in it

I know that sounds like a metaphor.

It is like telling you that you can affirm “I am the national lottery winner” when you’ve never even won candy at a recreational park.

The truth all lies in how much positivity you breathe into every situation.

The ability to identify negative thoughts.

“I can never be a national lottery winner”

Hold on a minute.

That’s negative thinking.

We are not doing that here; whenever we get such thoughts, sit that little dark cloud in a corner because we like the sun around here, don’t we?

The power of positive affirmations.

  • “I don’t chase; I attract!”
  • “I am wealthy!”
  • ”I am the national lottery winner!”
  • ”Abundance is coming!”
  • ”I affirm it, I accept it!”
  • ”I am a money magnet!”

The power that feeds the law of attraction.


Is Having Six Fingers Lucky?

Wouldn’t you want the luck of those who believe in the spiritual meaning of six fingers on both hands?

Attraction is linked to our beliefs.

When our wishes come true, we link that to God and the spiritual realm.

As human beings, religion tends to be the anchor in our lives, and we link most of our surroundings to it.

Being grateful, having positive thoughts,

Leads us to attract what we affirm, and all this is tied to spirituality and belief.

Bettering our lives

“I am the national lottery winner”…This in itself is attracting positivity, wealth, and betterment.

The need to better trigger positive thoughts, and in turn, the universe rewards us with what we desire.

4 Tips on becoming a national lottery winner

I. Write it down

Writing our thoughts helps us learn our habits.

So write it down – “I am the national lottery winner” – then start behaving like one.

You’ll be surprised that the universe will reward you with the energy you give.

II. Make it a mood

Think of yourself constantly as a lottery winner.

Visualize yourself as one and make it your daily mood.

Our daily mood has a huge impact on who we become.

How to use your subconscious mind to win the lottery?

III. By accepting of what life gives you.

When we practice acceptance, life gets in the habit of rewarding us.

We understand that we might not get what we wish for today, yet waiting on our affirmation teaches us endurance, and in the most unexpected ways, we are rewarded with our desire.

In the best-case scenario, we attract wealth or new ventures, or in our case, we win the national lottery.

IV. Positive self talk

Taking time out of our days to pamper ourselves with compliments and positivity.

“I have won the lottery.”

We go to the sweepstake and buy a lottery ticket and make our best pick.

Life might surprise you with a win.

Someone would think, but I didn’t work for that money.

Yes, you did!

It takes a whole clan to have the faith to affirm like you did, with desire, belief, discipline, and resilience!

Of course, you put in the work.

Here are some lottery success supercharged affirmations:

  • I have won the lottery.
  • Money comes to me even when I don’t work for it.
  • Abundance is calling me.
  • Today is my lucky day.
  • My best days are here already.
  • My desire to win the lottery has been granted.
  • I am the national lottery winner.

The Ball Is in Your Court

I’ll conclude by sharing the story of a woman who manifested a lottery win.

A woman wrote to me a couple of years ago confessing how my article had encouraged her to manifest a lottery win.

In her words, she said, “I started my day with a grateful heart for what I had in the present.

I chanted the words; I don’t chase; I attract; what is meant for me will eventually find me three times every day.

Every time I did this, I felt as though I had won.

My days were filled with positive thoughts and affirmations.

Two weeks into the practice, I felt as though I was living a brand new life

One Friday evening, I bought a lottery ticket, and before scratching it, I chanted.

  • I have won the lottery!
  • I have won the lottery!
  • I have won the lottery!

I scratched the card, and my life changed for good.”

Believe in the power of positive affirmations!

Don’t forget to learn how to ask the universe for a lottery win.

It will be there for you when you are ready.

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