How to Win the Lottery Using Parallel Realities

Have you ever just looked at something that happened or been in a situation and thought to yourself, “I’ve seen this happen before.

I’m sure this has happened to me before.” and you go ahead and share the experience with someone, and they tell you, “oh yeah, me too.”

Then you both look at each other surprised and probably joke, “Are we really humans? Are we crazy?”

The truth is, you are not crazy, and you are perfect humans, and yes, I’ve experienced it too.

A few months ago I was walking home from campus, I saw a guy walking in front of me hurriedly, and his walking style was a bit funny then all of a sudden I thought to myself, “wait! this scene looks familiar, this guy is going to drop something” and true to my thought, he dropped what looked like a piece of paper, and I called out to him.

“Sir, you dropped something!”I hurriedly rushed to pick it up so I could hand it to him.

By the time I got there, he was out of sight, like he had vanished into thin air.

On the ground below me lay ($5), and all this felt like a mind trick because I was sure I had lived this moment before.

You might be wondering about the spiritual meaning of finding a quarter on the ground.

The other day it was raining, and I decided to go pick something at the grocery store after the rain stopped.

I walked face down as it was drizzling a bit, and a thought came to my mind, “I’m going to collect money.

I saw a $10 note stuck in the mad just two blocks away, and I remember thinking to myself how magic-like that was.

It was almost like I had manifested it.

On another encounter, I woke up feeling happy, contented, fulfilled, and energetic.

I had some financial constraints, but I felt as though I had none.

I went about my day chores humming to sweet tunes and feeling like I had everything I needed.

At around 2 pm, I heard a lottery advertisement on the local radio channel, and I decided to try my luck.

In fact, I was sure I was going to win the prize money.

I staked $1, and at the top of the hour, when the draw was done, my phone rang.

I was the lucky winner of $3000.

I thought to myself, “that was one lucky manifestation!”

The truth is, it was not just some manifestation; I had subconsciously shifted my thoughts and beliefs into a parallel reality where they actually do exist.

We are not just attracting our desires to us; we are moving in the direction of our desires to meet them vibrationally.

These experiences have led to me believing in the existence of parallel realities and that we keep shifting from one moment to another.

In fact, according to Nichola Tesla, “if you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy and vibrations.”

So What Really Is Parallel Realities?

 A parallel reality is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence that is co-existent with one’s own. 

For example, if you want to win money or the lottery, you put yourself in the frequency or vibration like you already won the money.

Money is exciting, and we all want money, don’t we?

In this article, I’m going to explain how to win the lottery using parallel realities.

According to Bashar, every moment is a still frame, and we are shifting through parallel realities billions of times per second which give us the illusion of movement and hence time.

Sounds absurd, doesn’t it?

What if I told you that there is a parallel reality that you are a millionaire right now and another where you have no money at all and everything else that you can imagine?

There are infinite numbers of parallel realities right this moment, and all we are doing is shifting between them.

However, what matters is who we are at the moment, our believes, and state we are in, and the action we take that will determine the parallel reality we shift to.

The only moment that exists is now, and we think of movement, is the shift between realities.

How It Works

In most cases, when we think about winning the lottery, we focus on hoping to pick the winning numbers, but we fail to understand the numbers haven’t even been chosen yet.

It is about picking numbers that we like or are passionate about then shifting to the parallel reality where you have won.

In this perspective, the awareness is that all realities exist, and the degree to which we shift depends on our beliefs, state of being, and what we are doing.

It is important to focus on those aspects.

Belief is a very powerful tool.

The next thing would be visualizing what will happen once you win the lottery.

What kind of state will you be in?

What will you do with that money?

How will you talk to your friends and family?

What kind of thoughts will you have consistently?

Imagine the feeling that comes with it.

Imagining helps you sync with that version of yourself that has won the lottery.

The next thing is, mimick that version of yourself, and slowly you become that version.

Proceed to get your ticket, knowing that you have already won.

Have the confidence that you’ve got it already.

Be in that winning realm.

 Visualize the exact amount of money you will win. 

Here are some tips to ensure you are on the right track.

  1. Be positive minded-It is true to say that luck thrives on positive energy
  2. Believe in yourself-Like I said earlier, belief is a very powerful tool as this leads you to vibrate in a reality you have already won.
  3. Honestly, I believe we can flip through any reality as long as we have unshaken beliefs.
  4. Surround yourself with victory. When people around you win, celebrate them. Live in that moment as if it is your own, and truly you too shall win.
  5. Always visualize what your life will be like once you have won.

5 Affirmations For Winning the Lottery.

  • I am the national lottery winner.
  • Money adores me.
  • I am walking into my best reality.
  • I am a millionaire.
  • Whatever is meant for me is finding its way to me.

Be sure to check out the I Am the National Lottery Winner Affirmations.

When to Use Parallel Realities to Win

Here’s a simple walk-through practical technique to sum up everything discussed above.

Once you have worked on raising your spirit and belief, visualize your numbers (your winning numbers) and after playing the lottery, walk around feeling like a million bucks as you go about your business.

  • Create a scene where everyone around you sees you as a winner and is even congratulating you. Pick a scene that feels natural and real to you.
  • Get very comfortable, like putting yourself in a state of sleep while not practically being asleep.
  • Repeat your imaginary scene as much as possible…in fact, relive it and let it blossom for as long as possible.
  • Infuse feeling into the situation. Joy, contentment, happiness
  • Be thankful. Gratitude is very important. Thank you, the universe, for this $2500. I will use it to improve myself and those around me.
  • Let it go. Detach yourself because you already know it is done.

Congratulations! You are a lottery winner.

What’s Next

Parallel realities are one of the most natural ways to win.

The universe is full of so many realities, and the best news is that you get to choose which one you want to live in.

Anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it!

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