How to Win the Lottery Through Visualization

Without a doubt, you’ve had someone telling you to visualize something you dearly want to achieve, be it in a casual pep talk or a painstaking motivational talk.

But perhaps it’s never occurred in your mind that you can visualize things so seemingly unperceivable, like winning the lottery.

Well, what if I told you that indeed, it’s entirely feasible?

Creating a mental picture is downright simple, and living that imagery, in reality, is obtainable.

But you have to do it correctly with assertiveness and belief.

 You can win the lottery through visualization by creating a pattern of positive thinking and great meditation.  

And the best time to do that is moments before sleeping when your subconscious is wildly active.

Visualize by getting in an unusual position and closing your eyes, varying your breath until you feel relaxed.

Then, vividly picture yourself buying the lottery ticket, feeling its smell and texture, and imagine the lucky numbers.

Create an affirmation that you’re winning the lottery soon and let it go while feeling thankful.

Can You Win the Lottery by Visualization?

Visualization is all about using the power of the mind and focusing your energy on prospective thinking patterns.

And, is it possible to use that wishful thinking to win something seemingly imperceptible?

Sure, why not?

Pretty sure you heard about the prominent lottery winner Cynthia Stafford in 2007, the woman who won the lottery using the law of attraction – and, no, it’s not just pure folklore.

And her secret to winning $112 million in the California mega million jackpot was visualizing the win.

What makes her story that incredible is that she visualized winning the exact amount, which came true.

So, the next time you ask yourself this question, you have a real example to relate to.

Winning the lottery through visualization is possible, but  it takes profound belief and tremendous positive thinking .

How the Law of Attraction Plays Part in Visualization

You attract what you think; that’s the fundamental principle behind the law of attraction.

Although it’s quite casual, the law carries deeper mystical relevance, implying how critical you should think highly of yourself.

And since visualization is the typical positive wishful thinking, it sets you in a higher vibration that resonates with what you wish for.

Take, for instance, Stafford’s approach in visualization.

She believed that truly, she’d win the lottery, and every time she bought a ticket, Stafford let the universe know her wishes and intentions.

But hers was pretty different; she was clear with what she wanted and had an exact amount in mind – which the universe granted her.

That, therefore, goes a long way into explaining how powerful wishful thinking is and how certain thoughts attract results, using the law of attraction.

Can You Imagine Winning the Lottery?

I’d say it’s allowed, or rather, permissible by the universe to imagine winning the lottery.

After all, it’s imagination that precedes visualization, or rather, provides the rooting.

But imagining alone won’t be enough in using visualization to win the lottery.

Imagining something happening occurs literally with no necessary deeper thinking involved.

However, visualization is about reiterating the belief and recapitulating the thought of winning the lottery succinctly in mind with a purpose-driven goal.

So, fair to say, it’s possible to imagine winning the lottery. However,  incorporate deeper and goal-driven thinking to make it more meaningful. 

How to Win the Lottery Using Visualization

You can visualize winning the lottery anytime during the day, but it must be in your calmest hours.

More like meditation, visualization allows you to connect to your higher self while creating visual imagery perceivable in mind.

Nonetheless, the standard time for more effective visualization is moments before sleeping, when your subconscious mind is wildly activated.

Here’s how you visualize winning the lottery before sleeping

  • Get in an unusual position that you won’t feel overly comfortable to drift to sleep.
  • Close your eyes, take deep breaths and get relaxed.
  • Engage your mind and focus your thoughts to create vivid imagery while buying the lottery tickets.
  • Imagine holding the ticket in your hands, feeling its scent and texture. Make the feeling more vivid until it appears that you’ve put your hands on it.
  • While still in that state of mind, check the lottery numbers and take note of the patterns that show up, keeping the odds of winning the lottery visualized.
  • While doing that, keep reassuring yourself by whispering that indeed, that’s your lucky ticket.
  • Infuse a feeling into your thoughts and visualize winning the lottery, and you’re swimming in abundance and fulfillment.
  • Once you’re done with visualizing, and you’ve made an affirmation, detach completely and feel grateful for the win.
  • Repeat severally for a few days, each day having the renewed belief that you’ve won the lottery.

How to Use Reverse Psychology in Visualization to Win the Lottery

Although reverse psychology sounds pretty subtle in visualizing winning the lottery, it may not be helpful for over-thinkers and people who’re overly pessimistic.

The reason for that is, this technique compels your mind not to believe what’s apparent and instead convinces you otherwise, usually the opposite.

It involves using vision boards or stickers with messages convincing you otherwise about winning the lottery, and it’s up to you to implement reverse psychology to tell yourself that the opposite is true.

However, it would help if you were careful not to allow the method to affect your subconscious because typically, it doesn’t understand what’s real and what’s imagined.

How to Align With Winning the Lottery

You need to set your higher self’s vibrations to resonate with the universe to achieve anything in the cosmic realm.

And likewise, to win the lottery, you must align adequately to attract the blessing.

 To help you achieve that, here’s what you should do. 

Refute fear.

To properly align with winning the lottery, you must banish the nagging fear of wanting to fulfill or compensate for your financial goals alone.

Visualization works as a facet of fulfillment and accomplishment, and picturing how rich you’d be or relieved of your financial adversary is a lack and limitation thought pattern which won’t work well for you.

Instead, broaden your perspective and visualize what comes with getting the money, which so aligns you to your ideal vibrational alignment.

Keep in mind that you visualize and attract the things you’re in a vibrational alignment with.

Be divinely indifferent
Being indifferent doesn’t imply that you don’t care, but rather, how willing you are to let go of your resistant thoughts that may build the element of fear.

Besides, it prevents you from getting too emotionally invested, such that winning the lottery is a do or die for you.

It doesn’t work that way.

Being unattached to winning lifts away fear and sets your vibrational energy on a high to attract what you’re aligned to.

It also implies that you’re putting your faith in the universe to deliver, and indeed it will.

Kick away doubt
Doubt is always there; it never leaves. Even so, contemplating winning the lottery can seem far-fetched, leave alone visualizing it.

But that’s not the issue.

The problem comes when it overpowers your thinking such that it leaves second-guessing of the universe’s ability to deliver.

Therefore, try your might to overcome its suppressing power and continue holding the faith that you will win the lottery.

Envision the win
It would help if you picture yourself winning the lottery, but that won’t be enough.

Asking the universe to give you the chance to win the lottery is okay. But do it rightly.

Instead, infuse emotion and imagination of fulfillment and abundance coming with winning the lottery.

Feel the win
Envisioning the win is a step closer to feeling it, and rightly so.

It helps to affirm yourself with the belief that you’ve won the lottery and you’re swimming in it,

Although it may feel delusional, it makes you feel accomplished, and you can genuinely feel grateful afterward.

What’s Next

Winning the lottery is seemingly possible through visualization.

The method uses the mind’s powerful imagery prowess to create mental pictures that keep you destined to win the lottery.

Nevertheless, you must practice discipline in training your mind for more effective visualization.

Don’t forget to learn how to win the lottery using parallel realities, which is powerful as visualization.

If you happen to win the lottery, please pass by and let me know!

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