How to Win the Lottery Jackpot Through Meditation

Meditation is my life’s integral part, and I love doing it because it infuses tranquility and calmness to discover my higher self.

What’s more motivating is the peace of mind that tags along with it, which is everything I crave for.

In truth, meditation is primarily a way of obtaining the oneness of the mind, soul, and body.

However, I also use it to attract the blessings that the universe reserves for me because  with a calm mind and utmost focus on what matters, anything is achievable. 

Winning the lottery has been my profound desire, and I often gather my thoughts and ponder the possibility of winning it.

Perhaps, the countless success stories motivate me to take part, including Richard Lustig’s story, the Florida man who won the lottery 23 times!

And my secret weapon to achieve that?


Meditating on winning the lottery isn’t a piece of cake since it engages your cognitive processes challenging to tame.

But once you master the art, it’s all an easy slide – rest assured!

But first, you need to jump the biggest hurdle – the indecisiveness to do it in the first place, which otherwise boosts your odds of winning the lottery from zero to somewhere… one in a million odds.

It seems pretty senseless, but trust me, it’s a pretty viable start.

What follows after is using the proper chronology and claiming the money bags!

For me, winning the lottery through meditation has been a journey of optimism and hope but an affirmed certainty that, indeed, it’s possible.

What Is Meditation to Win the Lottery?

An incredible amount of people meditate, and it’s easy to see why.

The subtle and inexplicable calmness that comes with it is pivoting and significantly effective in tuning the mind into focusing on the positives of your being.

More like mindfulness, meditation is about focusing on the moment and letting the mind wander in the calming vastness.

Nonetheless, it’s a perfect tool to attract what’s rightly yours or meant for you by the universe as it aligns your vibration to your higher purpose.

 With a subtle calmness of the mind and an assured resolve, even the most unperceivable things can actualize, including winning the lottery! 

However, you need to do it right to attract the blessing and avoid distractions that distort the core of your affirmations.

How to Use Meditation to Win the Lottery

As I mentioned earlier, meditation is my secret weapon in trying to win the lottery.

But how do I do it, and what are the steps to follow to tread the right path and possibly take the heavy bags of cash home?

The decision to act on your desire

In literally every aspect of life, achieving the biggest success starts with a decision followed by an action.

In this regard, therefore, you need resolve and a stand of wanting to win the lottery, even if the odds seem intimidating because that’s the key to winning the lottery.

The decision to act on playing the lottery is sufficient enough to affirm to the universe that you’re ready to receive your blessings and that your mind and soul expect nothing less.

Being doubtless will potentially gear you in throwing off the yoke and go for the lottery all in.

Get into the process of meditation

Once you’re set with your decision, it’s time you get to work, meditating.

However, it’d deem workable if you did it correctly, with the proper chronology.

I love meditating in a seated posture with my legs crisscrossed my eyes closed because that creates an empty shell of blackness for my mind to wander in the vastness.

Others do it with their eyes open and transfixed to a burning candle. Either way, you know what works best for you.

Vary your breathing and make it as steady as possible so nothing else – even your breathing – feels apparent.

As you do that, listen closely as your mind speaks to you. Look, and let your mind perceive the figures from the vastness that engulfs you.

Figure out the numbers that come into the sight of the mind and master them because then, you’ll be in a state of meditation for lottery numbers.

Unless you achieve unity and oneness of the mind and spirit, straining to get the message would be a wild goose chase.

Create your affirmations

By now, you should have a concise picture of the numbers to use, and so, go ahead and make an affirmation for winning the lottery, such as I Am the National Lottery Winner Affirmations.

While still in your meditative state, say it as an affirmation that indeed, you’ve already won the lottery.

Infuse a thought and incorporate an action to make your affirmation more lively.

It could be possibly anything that makes you feel good about winning the huge chunks of cash, say, perhaps contributing to a charity or helping the needy with what the universe has gifted you.

Be grateful and let it go

There’s no limit to meditating on winning the lottery, and you can do it repeatedly as you wish.

However, after it eventually assures you of winning, you’ll have to detach from the thoughts of winning the lottery and let it go completely.

Letting it go is a way of telling the universe that you believe that it’s possible to win the lottery, and indeed, you trust it to deliver rightly.

Take action

Please don’t sit on it. Instead, step out and purchase your ticket with your meditated numbers.

Lotteries play out almost similarly, most requiring you to pay for a ticket with your chosen set of numbers.

That won’t need a theory or principle to use, but a single act of getting a ticket – or two.

As you purchase the ticket, affirm yourself with an assured mind that you’re picking the winning numbers to make you the lucky winner!

And with multiple lucky number combinations in your arsenal, you never know; perhaps you may win the lottery again and again.

Does Meditation to Win the Lottery Work?

Meditation is a way of clearing the head and achieving peace of mind, aligning your vibrational energy with the universe.

It helps you achieve the oneness of the mind, body, and soul, which allows the universe to communicate to you more seamlessly.

Therefore, as you meditate, the mind perceives your lucky lottery numbers within the emptiness of sight.

Meditation on winning the lottery has proven to work in different random occurrences.

Take, for instance, the case of Deborah Shore, a woman from Clinton, Whidbey Island, who won $2 million through meditation.

Several other people have gone on to win the lottery through meditation.

That includes Melodia Harris, a $745,710 winner, and Neil Wanless, a $232.1 million winner who confessed to using the law of attraction through mindful meditation.

That means, with the correct mindset and belief, the universe can find your vibration and align it with your blessings.

You can even manifest casino wins.

 Meditating a lottery win is more strategic, an approach that somewhat joins forces with luck to give you what the universe has in store for you. 

What’s Next

Using meditation to win the lottery isn’t pure rocket science since it’s shown from before that people can use the power vested in the inverse to win big.

But, it needs the right steps and attitude to take the big bags of cash home.

If you’re planning on using meditation to win the lottery, I trust this article will provide insight into doing it the right way.

And if it ever occurs that you win the lottery, please reach out and share the happiness with me!

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