How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Win the Lottery

I will admit that figuring out how the spectrum of the mind works and how the cusp of imagination and behavior fit in the jigsaw is uncanny.

But one thing is for sure, understanding the power of the subconscious mind isn’t inconceivable.

It’s possible to channel your thoughts and shape your imagination using the subconscious mind and achieve anything, no matter how terrific it sounds.

And winning the lottery isn’t an exception.

 All it takes to win the lottery is imagining it and amassing positive energy through constructive thinking for the law of attraction to take its course.  

If you believe that you’ll win, your intuition will guide you in being in the right place at the right time to get the correct ticket.

Nonetheless, it’s imperative to understand how the subconscious works for the results to come.

What are the mysteries of the subconscious mind?

To help you understand the secrets of the subconscious mind, I’ll try building some little perspective:

When I was young, I worried about a few things, and more often, I would think low of myself saying that I wasn’t good enough to do things right.

But whenever I said that loud, my mother would shush me, saying that I shouldn’t talk ill of myself because the universe always listens – and makes your thoughts a reality.

Perhaps I was too young to figure that out, but I came to understand what it meant as I grew up.

Here’s the point, then.

The subconscious mind is unbounded, and its stretches of imagination are endless, and so it’s possible to imagine doing the impossible – and achieve it in reality.

That’s how the law of attraction chirps in – You attract what you think of yourself since positive thoughts attract good things, and the opposite is true.

And so, my mother was right; that thoughts engage the subconscious mind, which, together with the law of attraction, makes you what you think of yourself.

We’re always connected with the metaphysical space and the universal spirit that links us with the colossal, most potent universe through the subconscious mind.

Suppose you can coordinate your metaphysical and physical world, such that they co-exist at a balance.

In that case, it’s possible to synchronize the finite and the infinite spectrums existing within the universe’s scope.

How the subconscious mind works

Unlike your conscious mind, your subconscious mind never stops working and stays awake 24-7. It grabs what the conscious mind can’t perceive, including sounds and visions.

According to neurological studies, we can differentiate the pathways constituting the conscious and unconscious thoughts in the neural circuitry.

Nonetheless, what constitutes the subconscious isn’t distinguishable since it uses bits of conscious and unconscious minds.

From the mystical perspective, however, understanding how it works isn’t that challenging. If you can relate positive thoughts to the law of action, you’ll figure out how it works.

How to engage your subconscious mind in winning the lottery

  • Start with some wishful thinking

It all starts with wishful thinking, getting it over your head severally until it registers in your brain that you’re ready to win the lottery.

From here, your subconscious mind will pick the signals, amassing them from the conscious and unconscious pathways.

  • Believe that you can win
You don’t have to be overly ambitious at first, but you’ll have to believe that you can or rather visualize the win.

However, don’t visualize winning lottery numbers but instead, something that results from the win – say, luxury from the money.

  • Infuse an emotion associated with some feelings
Imagine a feeling that resonates with what you’re visualizing to create a lively picture you can build from.

Read the money meditation script; it will help develop the abundance mindset.

It could be a vision of your mother going all smiles, ecstatically dancing around in joy, or feeling the fun yourself.

  • Be consistent in visualizing
Keep visualizing in mindful meditations, at least five times a day for about a month, continuously.

But be sure to steer clear from distractions.

Make it like you’re obsessed with winning the lottery.

Consistency will help you reiterate the visual picture you create celebrating your victory, which will make you feel thankful and let the universe intervene.

  • Embrace the beauty of uncertainty
To believe that you can win the lottery and program your subconscious to think the same, you need to embrace the beauty of uncertainty.

That doesn’t mean you should be doubtful, though, but stay in awe of the wonders of the universe and what it can offer you.

It means expecting more than what you ask for, which for a fact, builds beautiful uncertainty rather than doubt.

4 Signs You Not Going To Win the Lottery

When engaging your subconscious mind, some things may delay results, or rather, prevent them from even showing.

It takes a conscious mind to point them out since they often disguise as dismissible thoughts, mainly because the subconscious mind cannot draw the line between positive and negative thoughts.

Therefore, be on high alert when these things happen.

Disrupted concentration

When you get distracted, your thought patterns get disrupted, and visualizing becomes overly challenging.

Instead, please keep your thoughts straight and avoid distractions for better visualization since they disrupt your thought patterns.

Doubtful and negative thoughts

Any speck of doubt can limit your subconscious mind from creating a helpful thought process.

Besides, thinking that winning the lottery can be a hard nut to crack, or you’re likely to hit the dead end will bar your imaginations and hinder visualization.

Not spending enough time visualizing

To use your subconscious mind to win the lottery, you must dedicate sufficient time for visualization.

Otherwise, it’ll all feel like a wild goose chase.

Try visualizing at least five times a day, even if you’ll do that briefly.

Not buying enough lottery tickets

More often, being stoic and not taking chances can phase you out from succeeding in using your subconscious mind to win the lottery.

Therefore, you must walk the talk by buying more scratch tickets and take your chances with luck.

Let your intuition also guide you to make the right ticket pick that could win you the lottery.

How the Law of Attraction Helps You Win the Lottery Using Your Conscious Mind

As I mentioned above, winning the lottery takes two steps building on one another; visualization and imagination, and letting the law of attraction work on the cognitive pictures you create.

The law works under a simple principle – you attract what you think – and as succinct as it is, its meaning transcends the depths of imagination.

Therefore, if I tell myself that I want to win the lottery, the universe will work a way to help me achieve that.

Same as you, if you keep imagining that you’re incapable of winning the lottery, you might as get into an endless pursuit with no actual results.

When it so happens, you’ll have to reprogram your subconscious to win the lottery. That may not come easy since switching perceptions isn’t always straightforward.

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible either.

When is the best time to engage your subconscious mind to win the lottery?

There are no specific periods for engaging the subconscious mind, and any time can be a good time.

The principle is to use the subconscious mind for most of your visualization and imprint the idea that it’s possible to win – and that takes consistency.

Nonetheless, you must be in a state of tranquility and be resolved to engage your mind deeply.

The best times to use your subconscious mind to connect with the metaphysical are:

  • When you’re about to sleep

Moments before bedtime are ideal for visualizing and engaging the subconscious mind to win the lottery.

It’s usually the best time on how to see winning lottery numbers through wishful thinking and creating vivid imagery.

Usually, before sleeping, your mind drifts into a subconscious state, adequately activating it for proper visualization. That then is an ideal time to create vivid imagery of winning the lottery.

  • When you’re in a good mood

Trying to engage the subconscious mind when in a good mood is a surefire way to visualize winning the lottery.

Engaging your subconscious mind when irritated won’t work but instead puts you through hell trying to focus.

  • When there are little or no distractions

Distractions put you off balance and disrupt your thought pattern, making it hard to engage your subconscious mind.

It would be best to try using your subconscious mind to visualize in more quiet places for better results.

What’s Next

The mystical power of the universe is usually massive, connecting thoughts with the metaphysical.

Therefore, the subconscious mind creates an intermediary that relays thought patterns to the universe, which results in tangible results under the law of attraction.

Therefore, it’s possible to use the subconscious mind to achieve bigger things, winning the lottery included.

However, you must do it right for guaranteed results.

 If you believe that you can win, invoke wishful thinking, embrace the beauty of uncertainty, infuse emotions, and be consistent in visualizing, it’s possible to win the lottery. 

I wish you the best of luck in winning your lottery, and if it so happens, please pass by to let me know!

Think big!

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