How to Manifest Money With the 369 Method

I never believed in superstitions or any of that energy that drives people into manifestation.

In any case, I held a strong stand that you work and burst yourself off for the life that you want to live.

For me, the easy life used to be an illusion,’ nothing comes for free, ‘I’d say to myself until recently.

I recently completed my degree program, and I felt a little lost as, throughout my life, I had relied on my parents for financial support.

The transition from being dependent to independent was not at all easy.

I always dreamed of starting my own business, preferably a modern coffee shop, as my goal has always been self-employment and fulfillment.

I had a business plan and had even identified a perfect spot for this business to thrive.

However, the big problem here was where do I get the money to start?

A coffee shop is quite demanding especially remodeling, purchasing storage materials, and even the whole leasing process.

To accomplish all these things, I needed about $5000.

I could not afford this kind of money which pushed me towards seeking employment with the hope that I could save up for a couple of years and eventually realize my dream of owning a coffee shop.

Burst yourself off; nothing comes easy, right?

Getting a job fresh out of campus is not a walk in the park.

Dropping off numerous applications on a daily can get very frustrating, especially with employers shoving you off in the most obvious ways.

Imagine a person telling you, alright, we’ll communicate later right after you’ve finished putting up your best performance for a job interview as if all along they haven’t seen your ability.

What’s special about later?

Of course, that’s the most obvious way employers tell you you’re not good enough while trying to not hurt your feelings which at this point, to be honest, you are shuttered.

So one evening, as I was scrolling my phone, I bumped into a tik tok video about the 369 manifestation method for money and almost quickly scrolled past it, but my internet started buffering.

I was forced to listen to it amid trying to reconnect.

A lady was giving a  money manifestation testimony , and my mind got drawn to listening to the story for some unusual reason.

She then went on to give instructions on how the 369 manifestations are done, and I was attentive.

Later that evening, I kept thinking about what she had said, and I told myself, why don’t I try it out, too.

There’s no harm in trying, is there?

What do I have to lose?

I followed the manifestation procedure as instructed for a while, and 1 month later, I got a $5000 investment from a businessman I had shared my coffee business plan with.

You must be wondering, how is that possible?

369 Manifestation Method Does it Work

To fully achieve the benefits of this manifestation technique, you have to fully believe that it’ll work.

Here is how.

 The 369 manifestation method is used to attract whatever we desire through scripting or writing. 

It simply means that you can acquire whatever it is you wish for by writing it down as though you already have it.

For example, I desired to have $5000 for my business, so I would manifest like I already have the money.

This is how I did it, “Lord, thank you for the $5000 in my account. may it be of benefit to my business and benefit not only me but others.”

Have faith rather that whatever you’ve manifested will work.

What Is This 369 Manifestation Technique?

The 369 manifestation technique was invented by Nicola Tesla, who unveiled the secret of the universe.

According to him, the numbers 369 hold a magnetic divinity.

Anyway, you divide a circle; it ends up with these numbers.

How To Do The 369 Manifestation Method

To begin this manifestation, you require:

  • A pen
  • Note pad or manifestation journal

1. Create a manifestation sentence that holds at least 17 seconds.

According to Abraham Hicks, the 17-second rule states that the Law of Attraction or manifestation process begins once a single thought has been held for 17 seconds, and our brain is able to create more energy from that thought.

2 .Write the manifestation 3 times every morning.

When doing this, visualize it as though it has already happened.

Once you do that, let it go and don’t think about it; just go about your daily business.

3. Write the manifestation sentence 6 times at midday.

When writing each sentence, visualize and see that it has already happened.

Once you do that, let it go and don’t think about it.

4. Write the manifestation sentence 9 times before bedtime

Visualize it each time for as long as you can during the process.

Again let it go. A big part of manifesting lies in letting go and detaching ourselves from it.

5. Repeat this process daily for the amount of time you have set to achieve the goal.

This means you can repeat the manifestation method more than once.

Isn’t that great!

For a manifestation, we should always start with gratitude like I put it earlier, “Lord thank you for the $5000 in my account.” or thank you universe for …..(put whatever it is you manifest.)

It is essential that we align ourselves with positive thoughts and energy in order to attract what we desire.

Sometimes, we follow the steps to the letter, and still, nothing happens, and we start to get frustrated, especially once we hit the deadlines we have set for ourselves.

The truth about manifesting is that the magic truly happens when it looks like that thing(the money in our case) isn’t happening at all.

 The 369 manifestation is about attracting what you expect and exploring the feeling of certainty that it is most definitely happening. 

One of the things that the 369 manifestation method or manifestation, in general, has taught me is that positivity is a key determinant to this manifestation’s success.

When manifesting about money, you need to ditch the idea of needing or wanting money and instead embrace the idea that you have an abundance of it.

When using the 369 methods, you are tapping into the same energy frequency as the money or whatever it is you desire.

When you incorporate all these things together; gratitude, positivity, certainty, belief, the 369 manifestation methods works tremendously fast, making it one of the most effective manifestation hacks in the universe.

In fact, this method can help you financially, such as how to manifest winning the mega millions.

10 Money Affirmations That Really Work

You can use it when doing the 369 methods.

1. I am a money magnet

2. I release all resistance to attracting money.

3. I am certain I have more than enough money in my life.

4. My income exceeds my expenses

5. I am financially free

6. I am wealthy in more ways than one.

7. I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that is coming.

8. I have the power to create success and build the wealth I desire.

9. Money flows freely to me.

10. I choose to live a rich and full life.

Try these affirmations, especially if you are not financially stable and want to learn how to manifest money when you are broke.

What’s Next

The 369 methods by Nicola Tesla have transformed the lives of many people around the globe, with myself included.

It has rewarded us with our heart desires and aligned us to a path full of positivity, gratitude, belief, and exceptional faith that anything is possible.

 It has led to a change in the belief that we ought to sweat our way to the life we desire to know that actually, the universe blesses us with our heart desire as long as we believe. 

Yes, we deserve the lives we imagine!

Our best lives are just a manifestation away!

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