How to Manifest Money When You Are Broke

Are You Broke and Wondering What You Can Do With the Situation?

Here is help.

Money is a medium of exchange, a tool that helps you to obtain goods and services you need for survival.

Money helps you trade your labor to get a diverse set of goods and services that you need in your life.

Without this tool called money, you will have to look for some products to give to someone with what you need to exchange what you have with what you need.

To look for someone with what you need and match it with what they need is a trade that is difficult and can take your life many years before civilization.

Everyone recognizes the value of money and you can trade it with any good or service that you need.

But what happens when you do not have that money?

Can You Manifest Money Without a Job?

People have a lot of beliefs when it comes to issues to do with money and how to get the kind of money you need to help you get what you need in life.

The majority of people think that the only way to get money is by having a formal job that gives you money after every 30 days.

Other people even you, I believe, want to know the correct answer to this question.

”Can you manifest money without a job’?

Well, the answer to this question is a surprising yes.

However, it is important to know what to do or the right steps to follow to manifest money without a job.

Read on to get the tricks of fulfilling your dream with or without a job.

One important thing that you should keep in your mind is that you are always manifesting your reality even when you are not aware of it.

There is what is called the law of attraction that is always in operation in your life.

It states that like attracts like meaning what you attract in your life cannot be different from who you are and not different from what you spend your energy and time focusing on in your life.

This law applies to everything in life including money.

5 Steps to Manifest Money Without a Job.

1. Do You Know What You Want and Why You Want It?

The first thing you have to be clear with is what you want and the reason you want it.

 As you focus on what you want and why your thoughts are like magnets and since like attracts like, you will attract experiences that match what you want. 

When you are not sure of what you want, you will send an attraction magnet but without a clear message of what you want.

That will make you get mixed results and therefore it is paramount for you to be sure of   what you want and why you want it.  

If you know why you want the money, it is important to write it down.

Knowing the reason why you want the money is critical.

That is what will determine whether you are going to attract a positive or negative experience.

If the reason why you want the money is driven by negative energy, like being lazy or you are desperate, be sure you will get a negative result.

For you to manifest money without a job, you have to be motivated by positive intentions.

If you have positive reasons why you want the money like joy and happiness, then the result will be that what you want will come to be.

2. Envision What You Want

Another important step that you have to follow when you want to manifest money without a job is to envision your desire.

You have therefore to identify an isolated space where you can sit and envision your dream.

Take time and think and see yourself after you get the kind of money that you want and imagine the feeling that you will have the money even without an expected source.

Remember the money can be in different forms.

You may get ready cash or in terms of items that you want to buy with the money.

For instance, you may be looking for money to buy food or gas.

If that is what you want, you may find yourself getting the gas or the food you want.

Do you want to win the lottery?

It’s very possible by learning how to win the lottery through visualization.

3. Work on Your Limiting Beliefs

You always have thoughts about yourself and your environment and sometimes you may be having a negativethought on both.

You therefore should work on that belief and can get that to something positive.

If you have been thinking that you cannot achieve what you want, change that and see yourself with everything that you want.

4. Recite a Confirmation that You Have the Money

Repeatedly citing an affirmation that you have the money is one of the strongest ways of ensuring that you have the money.

Try the I Am the National Lottery Winner Affirmations. It works.

As you cite the affirmation, you are creating positive thoughts and you can keep repeating that to yourself.

It is even good to repeat to yourself loudly that you have the money.

5. Release Your Desires

Another very important step of manifesting money is by releasing the result that you have.

You do not have to hold on to what you desire, but you should release it to the universe and continue believing that you have it.

Why not learn how to ask the universe for a lottery win?

In other words, you should be patient as you wait for what you believe to be manifested.

Even when you are not getting the results as soon as you thought, you should be patient and wait.

It is important for you to know that the law of attraction does not limit you to what you can manifest.

Therefore, you can manifest money even when you have no job.

What to do When You Are Broke and Unemployed

Have ever found yourself in a situation where you are unemployed, being broke at 30, and in debt?

If you have ever found yourself in such a situation, you are not alone.

But the main question is, what should you do?

There is a lot you can do, contrary to many people who think you can only relax at home and as just like many others, what is there to do anyway?

Here is a list of some important things you can do when you lose your job when you still have debts.

Maintain a Schedule

You may want to take a few days to relax after losing your job, but that should not take long.

By starting your day early even without employment, you will do a lot.

As you continue doing many things, you will be closing the door to being inactive and depressed.

Do Something Temporary

When you lose a job, it is not wise to go home and continue worrying and complaining about not having a job.

Find something temporary and remain engaged.

It will provide a temporary solution as you look for something more permanent.

Work Online

Online offers a great opportunity to do something and get some income other than remaining jobless and feeling sorry that you do not have a job.

Organize Yourself Better

When you are not employed, you have enough time to organize yourself and embark on something like cleaning.

Carry on an activity that will make your place better.


Keep yourself happy by doing something that can keep you energetic and healthy.

Exercising is one of the best ways to keep you active and motivated.

Do Voluntary Jobs

Doing a voluntary job is one of the best ways to spend your time, if you are not employed.

After all, you can still add that experience to your resume as you apply for your next job.

Improve Your Skills

You can use the time to improve your skills by learning something new.

Why not learn a new manifestation technique?

The dimensional jumping two cup method can shift your reality from poverty to prosperity.

And, it is a simple to do.

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