How to Manifest Financial Abundance

Recently, there has been a lot of noise centered around the law of attraction money tips, money meditation script, and the actual connection between the law of attraction and money.

There is a slew of powerful books and movies about this topic, with many people already using this simple yet powerful law for a range of things, be it happiness, fortune, luck, or quite naturally, money.

Perhaps this was the reason that brought you here as well.

But, even if it wasn’t, stay with us as we try to see how we can use this seemingly mystical law in our lives and bridge the gap between the law of attraction and money.

Manifesting money with the law of attraction

Manifesting money by sending positive energy into the universe involves seven simple, yet effective steps that have the power to help you achieve your goals, which, in this case, happens to be money.

Let’s break the 7 steps down and see how the law of attraction and money are related and intertwined.

Step 1: Find out what you want

Before anything, we need to be able to see what it is that we want.

Having a deep-rooted hunger is essential, and a clear goal in mind, down to the last minuscule detail, is the first step on this journey.

In our case, we need to set an approximate figure — how much money we wish to attract.

On another note, remember that many successful people have a shared habit of maintaining a journal.

In it, they update and record things that they are grateful for. 

Being grateful for what we have makes us appreciate what we are about to receive that much more.

Step 2: Believe in yourself

Once the “what” or “how much” has been decided, we need to move on to the second step.

We need to be in control of our emotions.

Our resolve cannot be clouded by doubts or fears of any kind.

Thoughts like “I don’t think I’ll ever make that much money” need to be stopped as soon as they pop up.

The law of attraction lays out self-belief as the fundamental cornerstone on our journey of achieving our dreams.

If money is the goal, it too can be reached using the same law.

Yet, we need to give ourselves a chance to succeed, and for that, we need to believe in ourselves.

Step 3: Invest in things that matter

When you invest your money in things that matter, it brings you happiness.

Similarly, it is only when we start to derive happiness from what we have that we can open ourselves up to what we desire.

In her book, Rhonda Byrne clearly shows us that according to the law of attraction, when we project our inner happiness and our inner wants, we consciously take the first steps towards making our dreams a reality.  

Step 4: Be honest with yourself

Yes, we want to make the relationship between the law of attraction and money work for us.

But we also need to be aware of the reality of our financial situation.

Castles built in our dreams do not last long if we fail to assess reality.

We need our feet firmly planted on solid ground in order to build those castles.

An ancient saying talks about how you cannot pour more tea into a cup that is already full.

So we need to believe in the fact that we have room for MORE, and that we are ready to attract it.

Step 5: Break the chains

In the book The Secret, there is a story about a little boy who wanted a bicycle.

He didn’t know how to go about getting it, but he did know how the bike looked, right down to the color scheme!

Let’s be that kid — let’s believe in what we want.

We may not have the money yet, or any idea how to even start working towards our dream.

But, that’s OK. It should not stop us from believing that we will ultimately be able to attract money using the law of attraction.

Step 6: Take the leap

Once all the steps have been completed, we will reach the last step and truly be ready for the change that we want.

However, know that this might also be the scariest step, as it will mark the beginning of the change.

Preparation will only take us so far.

We will reach a point in our lives when taking a leap of faith is the best way forward.

We will need to let go of any doubts, any fears, as well as any over-analyzing, and have faith in ourselves that we will make it.

It is only when you believe in yourself that the universe will back you up and help you manifest your dreams and your wishes.

Step 7: Be mindful of what you have

We should always be mindful of what we have already.

If we cannot manage what we have, we will struggle with what we shall receive.

Learning to be mindful of our money and how to manage it will only make us better equipped to take care of what the universe will grant us.

Final thoughts

By using the right tools and envisioning the end result, anyone can attract money.

If we can see it in our mind, we can very well achieve it in reality as well.

If we change the way we perceive the world, the world will change for us.

It may sound incredulous, and yet, the law of attraction exists.

However, when it comes to the law of attraction and money, there is no “magic” to it.

You can use the law of attraction for money as well as anything else that you may wish for.

The law of attraction is simple, yet incredibly powerful if properly harnessed.

Applying this simple law through little habits will help you go a long way on this journey.

For example, you can:

  • Maintain a journal to list down things that you wish for
  • Be grateful for the things that you do have already
  • Believe in your dreams
  • Know that eventually, your wish will come true

The law of attraction lays out the framework on which you can build, so consider these steps as guidelines.

It does exist and is simple enough to introduce into your daily routine.

By first accepting and then by harnessing the potential of this law, one can easily attract money, happiness, and even success.

It is all about what you believe in and how strong your conviction is.

Once you have these two laid out, the rest of the journey will seem easy.

Getting money mantra $5,000 will come easy to you.

We hope this article has provided you with useful law of attraction money tips — there are many ways to utilize the relation between the law of attraction and money.

Hopefully, you now have a clear idea of how to go about making your reality more attuned to your dreams.

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