Dimensional Jumping Two Cup Method

Have you been struggling with constantly wanting to change your reality, but all you feel is stuck?

Do you constantly wonder if there’s a day when your current situation will change for good?

Frustrating right? Reliving the same reality over and over again.

Wishing you’d wake up in a completely different world where all your desires were fulfilled in a snap.

Yeah, tell me about it.

This was my reality for the longest time.

I know that feeling too well because I’ve been there.

I hit rock bottom and almost gave up completely.

I was desperate for a change.

I needed a change, and I got my chance.

The funny part is, I am living my dream life today thanks to a simple, some people would even call it silly manifestation.

Whatever it is, it got me here, and I’m here to help you change your reality too.

So get comfortable, sip on your tea or whatever it is you have, and let me take you straight into your dream life.

A few months ago, I completed my undergraduate at a renowned institution.

I was a first-generation student, and like every first-generation student, all eyes are on you from family, friends, relatives, and literally everybody else that knows you.

You are like a guiding light, and everyone has high expectations and some even low expectations of you.

In any case, you are tasked with one big role.

To prove to everyone that it can be done.

I was eager to make my point and succeed; after all, I had gotten so far right.

For the next one month, I concentrated on applying for jobs like everybody else in my shoes would, and out of over twenty applications, I didn’t get a single invitation for an interview.

I began to get very frustrated and had bouts of anxiety and panic attacks.

Things seemed to get worse every day, and I almost gave up until one night, as I was scrolling through YouTube, I bumped into a video with the title, “Change your current reality with this simple trick.

At first, I wanted to scroll past it, but something just pushed me to hit the load button, and after watching it and following the instructions, two days later, I got a call to interview for my dream job, which I got, and I’m currently living my best life.

The manifestation method I’m about to share with you is known as the dimensional jumping two-cup method.

Now, as the name suggests, this simply means jumping from one reality to another.

What Is Dimensional Jumping Two Cup Method

 It is based on a conception of dimension jumping that literally suggests that whenever a big change in life occurs, it means you have shifted dimensions. Even small changes can mean you have been moved gently into a different dimension. 

In other words, the reality you wish for has happened, is happening, or will happen just in a different dimension.

For instance, your current dimension is when you feel inadequate or unachieved, while in your other reality, the one you dream of and wish for is also your reality, and you can just jump into it.

How is this possible, you’re wondering perhaps?

Well, here is how.

To successfully do this manifestation, you require the following:

  • 2 empty cups or glasses
  • A jug filled with water
  • Labels
  • A pen

How to Do the 2 Cup Method

  1. Prepare your cups/glasses – Once they are ready, pick one, fill it with water, and label it. The cup will be labeled with your current reality, for instance. “I a struggling with debt.” The second cup stands for your desired/dream reality. This cup may be labeled with something like, “I am a money magnet.”
  1. Visualize your dream reality – This is simply seeing yourself living your desired reality. First, take a look at your current reality and indulge in it for a few minutes, then directly shift to your desired reality and dive right into it while letting go of your current reality and embracing this new one. Let this new positive energy consume you until there isn’t a shred of the negative thoughts left.

  2. Now pour the water into the second cup – This act of transferring the water is a visual representation of you shifting into the new reality. I like to pour it in a way that the water creates ripples and bubbles as if it is a magical experience. While the last drop lands, feel that your reality has shifted.

  3. Drink the water – This act symbolizes the fact that you are embodying this new reality and making it a part of yourself. By the time you swallow the last drop, the universe has aligned you with your desire. And as the law of attraction states, positivity yields positivity.

  4. Throw away or tear the old label – This is literally you discarding the negative thoughts and your negative reality and creating room for new realities.

Keep the new label close and invest in your new reality.

It is done.

Manifestation thrives under certain conditions, that is:

  • Positive thoughts and feeling
  • Strong belief
  • Focus on the outcome desired
  • Precision is what we want. For example, the exact thing we want.
  • Exercising patience
  • Gratitude

We are often afraid that this method might not work, and the thought is frustrating and even makes the entire manifestation falter.

There’s a chance that this manifestation will not work if we allow the old reality to still linger around thereafter.

Hence, it is important to make sure we discard all our negative and old realities and only do the dimensional jumping two-cup method when in a positive realm.

You are probably asking, how long does the 2 cup method take to work?

 This technique can work immediately, after 3 attempts like it did for me or after some time, depending on how the universe aligns your desires; hence it is important that we are patient and surround ourselves only with positivity.  

This two cup method technique can be dangerous as it is highly effective.

It is important that we are sure of what we wish for because the universe shifts our realities quickly, almost irreversible.

Therefore, it is best that we dream positively and see better realities as we are bound to attract our deepest desires.
Living in this desired reality is one of the best ways to hasten the manifestation process.

Here are some manifestation techniques we can use to label our desired reality:

  1. “I don’t chase; I attract.”
  2. “I am living my best life.”
  3. “I am winning.”
  4. “I attract abundance.”
  5. “I am a money magnet.

According to the testimonies I read, I recently bumped into another procedure for this manifestation method that works the same way.

The theory behind it is that some people may have extreme negative energy, hence the label on the glass tainting the positive side.

Instead, they fill both glasses or cups, drink the one with the desired reality label, pour out the undesired one, and rip off its label.

In conclusion, the dimensional jumping two cup method works and has worked for many hence I encourage you to use it to attract that which you desire.

Why give up when there’s a way out?

It worked for me and still is!

 Our desired realities are already there, and all we are required to do is shift right into them. 

Use this technique and watch your life drastically change!

Keep in mind, this is just one technique for manifestation.

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