Dimension Jumping While Sleeping

Dimension jumping is a mystic concept that hasn’t been familiar to people for a long time.

However, it’s existed for eternity, masquerading as a combination of dimensional perception and a shift between the physical sense and the sub-conscious self.

Thanks to the social media wave that popularized it almost entirely, I first came across this concept a few years ago.

It almost seemed unperceivable, but thanks to the myriad dimensional jumping proof, I came to believe that it was true.

 Dimension jumping relies on the concept of existing parallel universes when you can indeed jump from one to the other through subtle symbolism and the power of the subconscious.

Nevertheless, there are instances that it’s entirely feasible to jump into a parallel universe consciously.

There – in the parallel universe – it’s presumable that life is somewhat better or exists in a varied form that’s perhaps, perfect. 

The Founding Principle of Dimension Jumping

Perhaps you’re familiar with the famous Physicist, the Late Steve Hawkins, who, in his final submission of the multiverse theory, stated that there exist universes similar to the one we live in.

Indeed, he was an ardent scientist and loved to base his arguments on pure science, which helped create the foundation for this mystic concept.

But things didn’t seemingly start from his work since there is concrete proof from ground-breaking scientific evidence of the multiverse theory before his hypothesis.

And so, since the big bang is the genesis of the universe, then perhaps there are alternate ones sharing similar laws of physics as ours.

The idea behind dimension jumping is quite intricate yet so simple to discern.

Take it this way.

At some point in life – or rather, every day – you experience an alternate scenario of your life.

Maybe it happens in a flash, perhaps, a thought or an imagination that so seems real in the current three-dimensional world.

The truth is that it’s more than just mere thoughts, and possibly, something already happening has happened or will happen in an alternate universe.

It all feels like some fantasy-proneness, but it’s a thing if you believe in the mystical ability to transcend dimensions.

Can You Live In the Dimension You Jump To?

Many people, including me, who’ve tried dimensional jumping, have a story to tell.

There is otherwise some concrete dimensional jumping proof, attesting to the effectiveness of this technique and how it’s changed lives.

Take, for example, this Reddit user who tried hopping to another universe, only finding himself in a new house with a wife and children he never recognized.

Yet, in that dimension, he could see his first wife and children he knew his whole life happily living in the house he built with another man who seemed to have replaced him.

And that reminds me of the fictional television series, “Nowhere boys,” where somehow, a group of boys seemingly jumped into a different dimension while in the woods and came back home to find that no one, even their families, had a clue about them.

It’s happened to me severally too, and when I tried it at first, things seemed to change, like operating in a whole new facet of life.

Somehow, there was a close familiarity with our three-dimensional world, but it was pretty subtle.

Everything seemed different then, with a change in the clarity of vision, the meaning and importance of events, and how the entire world seemed to revolve around me.

It seemed like   waking up in another universe where technically everything seemed to be working differently, yet somehow similar to what I was used to.

How to Jump Dimensions

Numerous possibilities exist in an infinite series of parallel universes, and most definitely, there’s a dimension that you’d most prefer to live in.

It could be living a life different from the one you’re in currently, free of all the adversaries of miseries you most resent to.

Or, it could be living in the abundance of material wealth.

If you ever get flashes or vivid imaginations about them, chances are, that kind of life exists in a different dimension, or at least will, and it’s about time you jump into it.

That’s only possible through dimension jumping manifestation which somehow, tags you along in a journey leading nowhere physically but takes you somewhere spiritually.

Here’s how you can jump dimensions.

Using the dimensional jumping two cup method:

Before dimensional jumping using this technique, you need a few things in place, which include

  • 2 cups; one empty and the other full of water
  • A pen and labels

5 Steps To Dimension Jumping

  1. Stick some labels on the two cups. In this case, the empty one is your desired destination, and the full cup symbolizes the life you’re currently in.

    If you’re struggling with life and want to get out of it, then the cup full of water is the “adversary cup,” and you should label it as ‘hard to get by in life,’ or ‘struggling to meet my needs.’

    And the empty cup should be your deepest desire or the dimension you want to jump to, and you should label it like, for instance, ‘I’ve won the lottery and life is perfect.’
  1. Take your time with the two cups. Take deep breaths and try meditating on the reality of the two situations; your current situation and your projected one.

    Draw the validity of the two, focusing on how they both feel.

  2. Empty the cup. Hold on to your desired situation’s positive feeling and lock your thoughts into it, and while in that state, pour the water into the empty cup.

    While pouring the water, stay in the present and focus on the sound of the water as it empties.
  1. Meditate. You’ve now transitioned to a different dimension; contemplate the new state of the glasses – your past reality and the new dimension with your desired destination.

  2. Drink the water. Hold on to the new feeling of abundance and while at it, gently grab the full cup –your desired reality – and drink the water.

Get excited with it since now, you’re vibrating in the same frequency as your desired destination, and you’re going to attract it to yourself.

If possible, you can even get rid of your “current reality cup” and hold on to the other one.

Keep living in your desired reality.

Don’t keep on falling back to your current situation both spiritually and mentally, even though it pretty much feels like it’s your hard reality at the moment.

Perhaps, you have to ignore it and shift your mentality to your desired destination – and let that life play in your mind on end.

Numerous two cup manifestation method success stories attest to the fact that indeed, this method works when done correctly.

How Often Should You Do Jump Dimensions?

Since there’s an infinite run of your life’s reality that exists in a different dimension in the multiverse, it means that you can jump dimensions as much as you can.

These are the realities that are currently happening and parallel universes, and you have the chance to live them countlessly.

Other methods of dimension jumping that have proved workable include the mirror method, which is a case that happened to the Reddit user I mentioned earlier – a precise scenario of dimensional jumping 982.

What’s Next

Dimension jumping is purely about tuning your mystic self, your spirit, body, and mind in oneness and living the scenario that exists in an alternate universe.

It’s entirely possible and overly feasible to transcend dimensions through various techniques and live the life you long desire.

You feel million dollar richer than you think.

Once transcended, you can learn how to use your subconscious mind to win the lottery.

Although it won’t seem meaningful in the physical sense, you’re sure to feel elevated spiritually and, to an extent, attract what you long desire.

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