Can Manifesting Change Your Appearance

One of my epiphany moments has been about manifestation being a tool to change physical appearances, and indeed, it’s undoubtedly possible!

Until recently, I knew about manifestation being a way to achieve abundance by attracting bigger things meant for us by the universe.

However, a close friend, Jenna, attested to it being an incredible option to create subtle body changes and that it had helped her lose weight in her teens, pretty remarkably.

Out of my unbounded curiosity, I decided to give it a try, and the results weren’t any different from what Jenna had told me.

Surprisingly enough, my skin started becoming smoother as I had yearned for, pretty faster than my skin treatment routine could work independently.

Of course, I’ve heard a lot from other people, too, about it being this workable.

And truthfully, I struggled to wrap my head around this idea before, but I now can’t doubt the legitimacy of the fuss surrounding it.

Jenna told me that our external forms reflect  our inner cosmic selves and can be manipulated to mold into the states we desire. 

And indeed, she was also right about using the subconscious mind to change the physical appearance by working the mind through manifestation.

I followed the exact steps she had used before, which seemed to work my outer self and bolstered my self-esteem and confidence on the inside as well.

How the law of attraction plays a part in changing your physical appearance

Perhaps you’re sure about the universe being a hearty giver, including winning the lottery or attracting love.

However, the bewildering concern is, can you change your appearance with the law of attraction?

Through my interactions with people deeply drawn to mysticism, the law of attraction seems to be all about attracting things that quench the material and emotional thirst.

Only a few who’ve gone deeper into exploring the cosmic realm don’t have a speck of doubt about it reforming the physicality.

However, the majority who are yet to decipher that seem less to agree to or are more opposed to the idea because they’re simply presumptuous of the possibility.

The truth is, it works pretty remarkably.

Here’s the thing.

 Our external selves are a sheer reflection of what’s inside and what lies within the cusps of our internal, cosmic forms. 

And in truth, this internal form is incredibly malleable by the power vested in our cognitive processes through tools like meditation and manifestation.

Therefore, what the mind desires can channel through the subconscious, and with proper manifestation, it’s possible to change physical appearances through the law of attraction.

First, the mind usually perceives a need, whether it’s losing weight, jerking up your self-esteem to get a suitable date, or changing your self-image when manifesting.

With the law of attraction, that need becomes a reality because internal changes reflect on the outside.

4 Steps for Manifesting Change on Your Physical Appearance

There are many ways on how to change your physical appearance with your mind using meditation, but how Jenna and I did it seems to work miracles pretty unexpectedly.

It follows a precise chronology and requires focus and consistency to achieve anything you’d want to, be it the passionate desire to look younger or bolstering your looks for an interview.

Here are the steps that can work great for you.

1. Be specific with what you want

It requires a desire to get the motivation to work for a need, and so, you must get real with what you want.

Remember that extreme body changes, including growing back a limb or changing your sex, are surreal – or perhaps require a deeper level of understanding of the mystic space to happen.

What manifestation does is quite subtle and often works on things bound within the stretches of realistic imaginations.

Therefore, things like improving your skin or losing weight – as it happened to Jenna and me – make more sense.

As much as you may see these changes taking natural effect, it also primarily comes down to your perceptions of the belief that they occurred.

Besides, narrowing down your needs to just one or two will keep your focus straight and bear results faster.

2. Question your desire for wanting the change

Remember, you aren’t in it for the sake of it, but instead, you’re driven by purpose.

The law of attraction is quite specific in action and works better if you have defined reasons for manifesting the physical change.

If it’s about manifesting a smoother skin for a beauty contest, be clear in your intention.

And when craving weight loss, be sure to let the universe know that it’s about your physicality and wellness or impacting healing on your body.

That’ll set your vibrational energy higher, and you’ll attract the change pretty fast.

3. Visualize the change by creating mental images of your new look

It would be best if you had a realistic impression of how the difference will look and how it’ll significantly impact your emotions.

As you immerse into meditation, visualize your preferred look and let that mental image stick.

For example, you can learn how to win the lottery through visualization.

It would also help to create an affirmation and infuse an emotion, precisely a feeling that makes you feel good about the change.

If it’s the perceived change in self-esteem and confidence, create an affirmation about being confident and rocking the streets with your head high, and feel proud about yourself.

4. Take some action

Please don’t sit on it and instead work towards reaching the change.

If it’s losing weight, do your exercises, and you’ll be surprised by how efficient and fast they give you the results.

If you are in need of money, discover how to manifest money when you are broke.

Likewise, get behind a mirror and practice if it’s boosting your looks and affirming confidence within for an interview.

By taking some action, it stamps the belief that, indeed, the universe is capable of delivering rightly.

What’s Next

Manifesting physical change is entirely possible through the law of attraction. Remember that you can attract anything you want if you affirm the belief that it will.

And since the universe is cable, what lies within the cusp of pure imagination can be a reality, regardless of the odds.

Nonetheless, more realistic body changes are achievable through manifestation than those that seem impossible in our three-dimensional universe.

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