Best time to play lottery astrology

Have you ever wonder whether the time that you play the lottery is related to your sign?

Some people believe in buying lottery tickets when certain signs of winning the lottery are up.

Using astrology to win the lottery may or may not work but some tips can help you be better prepared for when to play lotteries.

Everyone has different views on this topic so it is best if you conduct your research and find out what works for you.

I remember when I was a little kid, my mom would tell me to play the lottery every single day.

It wasn’t because she wanted me to win or because she wanted me to spend my allowance on tickets.

She said that if I played every single day, I’d always have good luck.

When I first heard those words, it was confusing because I remembered in school, the teacher said that every day was a random drawing.

I didn’t understand how my mom could tell me what she did.

Then when I got older and learned more about astrology, I realized something very interesting:

There’s a time to play the lottery based on your zodiac sign.

If you’re curious to know when the best times are to buy lottery tickets according to your horoscope, then this list of lottery astrology is for you.

If you want to use astrology when playing the lottery, here are certain key points that will help:

Best Time To Play The Lottery For Each Zodiac Sign (According To Astrology)

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – The best time to play: Mondays at 6 AM

This fiery sign loves excitement and adventure; they also hate boredom, which makes them always go after action-packed things like riding roller coasters and playing the lottery.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – The best time to play: Wednesdays at 11 AM

This sign is very patient, consistent, and determined to achieve their goals.

However, Taurus can be greedy at times so they are very money-driven when it comes to playing the lottery.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – The best time to play: Mondays and Saturdays at 7 AM

These twins are always curious about things so they are always eager to try new hobbies or start a business venture just for fun.

Gemini people love to take risks because they’re always ready for anything that life throws at them which makes them play the lottery often.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – The best time to play: Thursdays at 12 PM

As a motherly sign Cancer loves being pampered with good food, nice wine, and luxury gifts.

Using astrology to win the lottery, they are always looking for ways on how they can make more money which makes them play the lottery often.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – The best time to play: Tuesdays at 8 AM

This is a very creative sign who also loves to give back and be part of something positive like helping others in need, playing the lottery is special because it can help you win big while making other people happy.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – The best time to play: Fridays at 9 AM

Virgos are very practical signs that love to plan everything before jumping into action; they’re very smart but sometimes lack motivation when it comes to physical activities like playing sports or buying lottery tickets online.

Using astrology to win at lotteries, is a very analytical sign which makes them very keen when it comes to finding out how lotteries work.

Libra (September 23- October 22) – The best time to play: Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 AM

They are always looking for balance in everything they do, this sign loves socializing and meeting new people so they’re constantly checking the news, using astrology to win the lottery, they love playing because it can help bring them good luck.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21) Best times to play: Tuesdays and Saturdays at 3 PM or 6 PM

This is an intense sign that needs excitement in their life.

Using astrology to win the lottery is something that Scorpios look forward to because it gives them energy and motivates them more than usual.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – The best time to play: Thursdays at 11 AM or 1 PM

Using astrology to win the lottery is something that they will do when in need.

They won’t overthink it so they’ll just go ahead and play without thinking about the probabilities of winning.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Best times to play: Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 PM

Using astrology to win the lottery, this sign is always aware of their luck at all times; but when things get really bad for them financially or emotionally then they will spend on lotteries hoping for good luck to come their way.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18) – Best times to play: Mondays at 5 AM or 6 AM

Using astrology to win the lottery is not their thing because they’re very unpredictable when it comes to making decisions unless if it involves technology.

Some Aquarians are even too lazy making up their minds which makes them not buy anything.

Pisces (February 19- March 20) Best times to play: Saturdays at 7 AM or 8 AM.

Using astrology to win the lottery is a good idea for this sign because they have big dreams and are very compassionate when it comes to helping other people.

They’re always looking for things that can help them be better which makes them buy lottery tickets online.

  • Using horoscopes and astrology, people have been able to use their natural luck talents to win the lottery.
  • Using this method of practice is a great way to bring out your lucky side.
  • Using horoscope readings will help you discover when your luckiest times are so you can increase your chances of winning.

People have been using astrology for years as a form of divination.

One type, using zodiac signs, has made it easier for people who want to win big in the lottery.

 An estimated 8 out of 10 people that don’t practice zodiac sign readings lose all their money within a year. 

  • Using astrology by looking at dates and times before buying lottery tickets can be a lucky quirk when it comes to winning games.
  • Using astrology when playing the lottery has been shown to increase their chances of winning over 1/3 times.
  • Using horoscope readings and astrology is a great way for people to use their natural talents and gain more luck in life.
  • Using lottery astrology can help you win big on your next try!

Astrology and playing the lottery go hand in hand.

With the right knowledge, you can determine when it’s best to play based on planetary movements.

So there’s no better time to play the lottery when you know what each astrological sign has in store for their month.

 So if your birthday falls under Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, or Gemini then this is the best time of year to play. 

Using astrology, you can know when it’s best to play the lottery and increase the odds of you coming out a winner.

Now that you know this little trick for lottery astrology, why don’t you give it a try?

Sometimes it’s fun to try new things, and that includes trying out different days for buying lottery tickets.

Make sure to practice I Am the National Lottery Winner Affirmations, and you can definitely beat the odds of winning the lottery!

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